Humor in art: a group of Master's Degree graduates at programs of study of MUN Curatorship present in Madrid their proposal exhibition around the Bergé Collection.
The sample, chosen among the Final Projects of Master's Degree of postgraduate program, will be inaugurated in summer at the MUN and has the support of the Palazuelo Foundation and La Caixa Foundation.

PhotoJoséJuan Rico/From left to right, María Aguilera, Jaime Guillén, Eva del Llano, María Gallegos, Nieves Acedo and Gabriel Pérez Barreiro, at presentation in Cuatrecasas (Madrid).
13 | 02 | 2023
What role does humor play in contemporary art? How do artists use this procedure? These are some of the questions that Eva del Llano, María Gallegos and Jaime Guillén, graduates of the IV promotion of the Master's Degree in programs of study of Curatorial Studies at the University of Navarra Museum , asked themselves when they explored the Bergé Collection and noticed that humorous and playful elements were recurrent in many of its works. The result of this research was Una broma es una cosa seria: el humor en el arte a través de la Colección Bergé, project exhibition chosen among the Final Projects Master's Degree, which will be exhibited next summer at the MUN.
Last Thursday they presented it at the Cuatrecasasas office in Madrid, where the young curators held a meeting with the public, accompanied by Gabriel Pérez Barreiro, curator and director of the TFM; María Aguilera, curator of the Bergé Collection and member of the defense of the TFM; and Nieves Acedo, director of postgraduate program.
The proposal seeks to show humor as a procedure used by artists to address current issues and thus provoke the viewer's reflection on the world and the circumstances around them. "Humor is a medium in our exhibition, not an exhibition theme. We are not interested in treating it as topic or content; on the contrary, it constitutes a vehicle to point to other themes. In each work, the artist deals with different issues, but all of them use that jovial and light-hearted language that attracts the viewer. According to our appreciation of contemporary art and the vision we have formed about humor based on the research for this project, we consider that this resource is quite common, but to the same extent that we coexist with humor in any other field of culture, such as cinema, television or comics...", the curators explain.
From the beginning, the graduates explain, they felt a strong connection with the pieces in the Bergé Collection, which helped them to tackle the challenge: "Each of them caught our attention for different reasons, and little by little we followed a common thread that helped us to shape the project. We were captivated by so many works, which meant a chaotic beginning with a miscellany of ideas that we had to refine".
Thus, they recall that reaching a consensus on which pieces to choose and how to work with them was not an easy task. "The trust we had, with many works in common, helped us to put aside the interest staff, that is, we stopped thinking about what we wanted from this project, to start thinking about what the works offer to the viewer. This was very important, because they have an enormous strength and we had to enhance it and not hide it under our interests as curators", they point out.
In this sense, the training received during the Master's Degree in programs of study of Curatorship has helped them to carry forward the project, which constitutes, in their words, "a central piece of the Master's Degree". "Especially in the second semester, when we started to develop it, essential subjects such as Communication, with Lola Iglesias; Conservation Protocols, with Asunción Domeño; or Art and Space, with Javier Antón, to mention a few that gave us a direct application to our work Fin de Master's Degree. Undoubtedly, this project has materialized many of the teachings of Master's Degree, moving from the theoretical to the practical level. We consider this to be fundamental to the assimilation of much of what we have learned. In the summer, the exhibition will come to the conference room Museum Tower.