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A webquest to evaluate the pressure of group on young people.

On the International Day of the Family, the project of the ICS "Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality" highlights its fundamental role in the development of the critical sense.

15/05/13 11:44 Isabel Teixeira
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The family is fundamental to foster the development of critical sense and argumentation staff in the face of the pressures of group. An idea that the members of project of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) "Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality" propose as a message for the International Day of the Family, which is celebrated today, May 15.

Dr. Jokin de Irala's team has recently developed the webquest "Why do I sometimes do what I don't want to do when I am with others?", a learning tool of affective and communicative competences for young people. "It allows young people to learn how to obtain information, analyze it, synthesize it critically and prepare a response based on argumentation staff", underlines Fernando Echarri, biologist and partner of project.

"The tool, which is hosted on the website Jóvenes Hoy, has been built over the last year having as its method the identification of six situations-subject in which the pressure of the collective is stronger (for example, drinking at group, night outs or the use of brands as a means of affirmation within the group).

The team has developed another website, Educate Today, where you will find information about what today's young people think about affectivity, love and sexuality, as well as the right messages to empower them to make free and informed decisions. In Educar Hoy parents and educators will find resources that will help them when talking about affectivity and sexuality with their children.

The project "Education of affectivity and human sexuality" of the ICS proposes multidisciplinary lines of action aimed at parents, schools, young people and the social environment. The goal is to favor, from adolescence and early youth, "the acquisition of healthier sexual lifestyles, through an adequate and integral Education of affectivity and sexuality", in the words of Jokin de Irala.



