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Usune Etxeberria, graduate of the VI edition of the European Master's Degree in Nutrition and Metabolism, receives a scholarship from the Basque Government.

The four years of scholarship will allow you to do research in areas of the fight against obesity.

15/12/11 15:49
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Usune Etxeberria PHOTO: Courtesy

Usune Etxeberria, graduate of the VI edition of the European Master's Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism (E-Menu), which is taught at the School Pharmacy of the University of Navarra, has obtained a four-year scholarship granted by the Basque Government to continue her degree program with a doctorate.

The student will carry out her doctoral thesis in the department of Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology of the academic center, where she will analyze the role of various antioxidant substances in the treatment of obesity and the mechanisms involved, using omic technologies, under the direction of Dr. Fermín Milagro and Dr. J. Alfredo Martínez.

For the graduate of Master's Degree E-Menú, the postgraduate program helped her to acquire the research orientation she needed: "It was my first experience in the elaboration of a project of research and also the Master's Degree helped me to obtain the scholarship for the staff researcher in training granted by the Basque Government, which consists of a total of 48 months of scholarship".

Usune Etxeberria has a diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and a degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of the Basque Country.



