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The Master's Degree in Biodiversity, Landscapes and Sustainable management , accredited by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation

The postgraduate program has received evaluation positive to continue as an official program.

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The Master's Degree in Biodiversity, Landscapes and Sustainable management has obtained a positive response from the National Agency for Quality assessment and accreditation to continue being offered as an official postgraduate program . The program has six editions and 33 students have successfully completed it.

This is a 60 postgraduate program ECTS credit aimed at students from different disciplines such as Biology, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Law, Engineering, Journalism, Architecture, etc. The Master's Degree trains students in knowledge and skills related to the environment in the form of tools such as the knowledge of biodiversity and landscape, management of data, laboratories, social context, communication, Economics, among others. 

As explained by its director, Enrique Baquero, "our best accreditation is that students come and leave happy and that they can use what we teach them in their professional development or researcher". In this sense, although there will be no changes, "we are working to continue bringing training closer to the working world related to the environment".

Among its most outstanding features is the possibility of doing internships in different scenarios to understand biodiversity as well as the option of participating in a stay at the University of California, Berkeley. The students who will take part in Master's Degree during the 2014-2015 academic year come from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Spain and come from degrees such as Biology, Engineering, Geography, Tourism, Architecture, Education and Business Administration. 



