Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (December 2015)
ICS researchers attended activities in Argentina, Spain, Italy, India, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.
Emotional culture and identity
Alejandro Vigo dictated the seminar 'Understanding, meaning, truth. From Heidegger to Gadamer' at the framework of the Chair of Hermeneutics of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) (Argentina, 8-11/12/2015).
group 'Mind-brain'
José Víctor Orón gave the seminar 'Two Kinds of Human Integrity- Towards a theory of inter-processual self (IPS)' for the professors of the School of Education of the University of Reading (UK, 2/12/2015).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno and Marina Martínez participated as speakers at the 3rd International Workshop of the Chair WeCare of the International University of Catalonia, graduate 'Alleviating suffering at the end of life' (Barcelona, 27-28-11/2015). They were also speakers at the 'meeting with the expert' at the XII workshop Arinduz 'Vida a la Vida' (Vitoria, 6/12/2015).
José Miguel Carrasco visited the University of Glasgow continuing the partnership with Professor David Clark's team. He also visited the International Observatory on End of Life Care at the University of Lancaster (UK, 3-16/12/2015).
Antonio Noguera attended the meeting of the committee organizer of the EAPC 2017- 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (Madrid, 14/12/2015).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña presented the discussion paper 'Fractional Integration and Cointegration in Financial Time Series Data' at the conference Econometrics for Finance at Mohammed V University (Morocco, 18-19/12/2015).
Alex Armand presented the paper 'Changing and assessing control: Women Empowerment & targeted transfers' at the 'Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries' (SEEDEC) in Prague (Czech Republic, 10/12/2015). In addition, she participated in the XIV 'Brucchi Luchino' Labour Economics Workshop at Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy, 16-17/12/2015).
Joseph F. Gomes attended the 11th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development at the Indian Statistical Institute (India, 17-19/12/2015). He also participated in the Winter School of the Delhi School of Economics (India, 14-16/12/2015).
Religion and Civil Society
David Thunder spoke on 'Civil Society and the Crisis of European Citizenship' at the cultural association 'Roots of Europe' in Vitoria (Vitoria, 16/12/2015).