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Solidarity tresses against cancer

The CIMA and AECC Navarra collaborate in the collection of hair to make free wigs for cancer patients.

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Amaia Vilas, Eva Roque and Marta Fernández-Mercado with some boxes received. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/12/17 12:01 María Pilar Huarte

The research center Applied Medicine (CIMA) of the University of Navarra and the association Spanish Agency Against Cancer (AECC) in Navarra have launched a campaign to collect locks of hair in solidarity. Under the slogan "And me with these hairs?", the two institutions have joined forces in a common effort: to produce free wigs for cancer patients.

The partnership arose from the initiative of Drs. Marta Fernández-Mercado and Amaia Vilas, researchers in the Hemato-oncology Program at CIMA. "We wanted to donate our hair for solidarity purposes and it occurred to us that perhaps more people might have the same idea but not know how to do it, so we contacted the AECC and proposed them to advertise it to facilitate donations," explains Marta. There Eva Roque, social worker at association, explained her experience to them. "At AECC we collect hair and wigs throughout the year and donate them to patients in financial need. When we were proposed this initiative of CIMA we did not hesitate to collaborate because it is a very nice way to unite solidarity, research and patient support," says Eva Roque.

A few weeks ago the campaign was spread through social networks and mobile groups and several dozen braids and pigtails have already been received. "We are very grateful for the response. In fact some hairdressers, such as Academia Ramiro Mata, have shown us their support and offer free haircuts to people who donate their locks," report the organizers. "In addition, we have been especially touched by some of the messages that accompany the envelopes with the hair, like the one from a girl who donates her 'mane with superpowers, so that you look gorgeous with my magic braids'. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your support", insist CIMA and the AECC.

How to collaborate?

The promoters of this campaign explain the requirements to collaborate. "It is very simple. You have to cut the hair dry, tie the braided locks at both ends and put them in a paper envelope. The minimum length required is 20 cm".

The points of submission are located at CIMA (Avda Pío XII, 55, Pamplona) and at the offices of AECC Navarra (Calle Río Alzania, 31, in Pamplona, and C/ Juan Antonio Fernández, 40, office 3, in Tudela). The campaign ends on January 10, but from that date the AECC offices in Navarra are still open to receive hair and wigs. "Don't cut yourself and collaborate against cancer!



