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Students of the subject "Seeing and understanding art through the eyes of the Prado" visit the Museum

The students of the subject offered at the School of Medicine analyzed works on medical topics.

Thirty students from the subject "Seeing and Understanding Art through the Eyes of the Prado", which is part of the Core Curriculum and taught at Degree in Medicine, traveled to Madrid to visit the Museo Nacional del Prado.

Through authors such as El Bosco, Bronzino, Teniers, Velázquez, Leonardo Alenza or Luis Jiménez Aranda, the students analyzed in detail topics such as the extraction of the stone of madness, toothpicks and other surgical operations; alchemy and the healing power of amulets and talismans, and medical visits and vaccination campaigns in hospitals. Later, Professor Javier Azanza, from the School of Philosophy and Letters and manager of the subject, also explained some other works by authors such as Tintoretto, Sofonisba Anguissola, El Greco, Velázquez, Zurbarán, Rubens, Clara Peeters, Goya, Francisco Pradilla or Sorolla, among others.



