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The Science Museum of the University of Navarra organizes a botanical route through Cizur Menor for the IV Biomarathon of Spanish Flora

The scientific institution collaborates with this activity in which the participation of the population in the identification of flora species is encouraged.

16 | 05 | 2024

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra joins once again the Biomarathon of Spanish Flora, an initiative promoted by the Spanish Botanical Society (SEBOT) and that this year will be held from May 16 to 19 throughout Spain. The goal of this activity is to promote society's interest in the plant diversity of our country. To this end, citizens are encouraged to take photographs of the flora during these days and upload them to the iNaturalist platform, where all the observations made in the different Autonomous Communities will be recorded.

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra has proposed a botanical route through Cizur Menor on Friday, May 17 at 4 pm, led by Ricardo Ibáñez, Ana de Miguel, Rita Cavero, Ricardo framework and Laura González, biologists and professors of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra, who will show the participants the plant biodiversity of the environment. The starting point will be the car park of the cemetery of Cizur Menor.

"We will observe the species of a tomillar grassland that is surprising to find in the middle of an urbanized area with a very high diversity of plants, including numerous species of orchids," says Professor Ibáñez.

Anyone who wishes to participate can register for this activity through the website of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra.

In the Comunidad Foral, other activities will also be organized in the framework of this new edition of the Spanish Flora Biomarathon. On Thursday 16, a botanical outing to Gallipienzo from the University of Navarra and a flora biomarathon in the garden of campus of the Public University of Navarra are planned. On the 17th, citizen science in the Villava River Park (Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona), and a botanical outing to Quinto Real from the University of Navarra. On Saturday 18, a floral observation walk from the Batán de Villava (Pamplona Region) and a botanical outing to Lerín and Lodosa from the University of Navarra. And on Sunday, May 19, a botanical outing to Belabarce is planned from the University of Navarra. These activities can be consulted on the Biomarathon website.

The IV Spanish Flora Biomarathon aims to bring together during these days hundreds of citizens, but also associations, universities, research centers, scientific institutions and Natural Parks around the identification, dissemination of knowledge and conservation of flora. 



