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XL, a photographic book commemorating the 40th anniversary of the University's School of Architecture , winner of the XV BEAU

The Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism has awarded this compilation of plans and photographs to position by Carlos Cánovas and Montse Zamorano.

PhotoMarcosdel Pozo/

16 | 07 | 2021

The book XL -edited and coordinated, respectively, by professors Jorge Tárrago and Antonio Cidoncha- and which commemorates the 40th anniversary of the construction of the building of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, has received one of the awards in the category of "sample of research-Publications" of the latest edition of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, BEAU, held recently in Valladolid and Barcelona under the slogan "Empty Spain, Full Spain. Conciliation Strategies".

In addition to the exhibition of the 20 award-winning projects -which can be visited at the Patio Herreriano Museum until October 10-, the XV BEAU will be completed with a seminar that will bring together in Valladolid the teams awarded in the "Panorama de Obras" call to present their work and exhibit it at discussion.

Along with the book XL, in this last edition of the Biennial, the article by Iñaki Bergera and Enrique Jerez "Arquitectura expuesta. Tránsitos artísticos de la representación fotográfica de la arquitectura", published in issue 21 of the Escuela RA: Revista de Arquitectura.



