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"Spanish companies should do research in baby food".

Dr. Montserrat Rivero, from Laboratorios Ordesa, presented some examples of functionality of new ingredients at the University of Navarra.

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Montserrat Rivero
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/09/13 08:26 Laura Latorre

"Spanish companies should investigate in baby food, among other aspects, their nutritional approach to breast milk as patron saint gold". Dr. Montserrat Rivero, from Laboratorios Ordesa, explained at the University of Navarra the importance of innovating in this field, and gave practical examples of the functionality of new ingredients.

Specifically, he referred to lipids (DHA and phospholipids), proteins and bioactive peptides and, especially, to probiotic foods (live microorganisms). According to him, in the human body the issue of bacteria is greater than that of cells, and the role of these nutrients is fundamental, among other things, to reinforce the immune system against some diseases."In our laboratory, we have isolated more than 300 probiotic strains from breast milk and feces of breastfed babies."

His lecture, on the occasion of the closing of the EuropeanMaster's Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism (E-MENU) of the School of Pharmacy, also revolved around the lines of research in new ingredients linked to the cognitive development , the immune system of newborns, still immature, the prevention and treatment of allergy to cow's milk protein and the prevention of childhood obesity. In this sense, he emphasized that many programs of study carried out in Europe, -in which Ordesa participates- show the relationship between the diet of the pregnant mother, the fetus, infants and children in the first years of life, with the development of diseases in adulthood. In his opinion, "this is one of the priority areas in prevention and, therefore, the focus of numerous campaigns of Education nutritional in these early stages of life".

Another important aspect, in his view, is the partnership between researchers from industry and universities, public centers and hospitals. "This is fundamental for the assessment of the safety and efficacy of new ingredients, supported by preclinical toxicity programs of study and clinical programs of study , from which they obtain, in many cases, patents of great interest," he stressed.

accredited specialization to the best work end of Master's Degree
During the closing ceremony of the VIII edition of the Master's Degree E-MENU, given by the School of Pharmacy, through the Chair Tomás Pascual Sanz - University of Navarra, a accredited specialization was awarded to the best work end of Master's Degree, presented by the student Vincenzo Malafarina. The jury valued "the quality of his research and scientific rigor, as well as the design and interpretation of the results obtained".

The event was presided over by the dean of the School, Adela López de Ceráin; the president of the high school Tomás Pascual, Ricardo Martí Fluxá, and the director of the Master's Degree, Professor Alfredo Martínez. 



