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Ana Marta González presents the ICS in the network Transversal de Humanities

Experts from ten universities in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Chile and Argentina participated in meeting .

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Family photo at the network Transversal of Humanities. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/10/13 11:48 Isabel Solana

Ana Marta González, scientific coordinator of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) and principal investigator of the project 'Emotional culture and identity', has presented the center in the network Transversal of Humanities. In her exhibition, she highlighted the three characteristic features of the ICS -multidisciplinarity, international outreach and social impact - and contextualized it in the current status of the Humanities and the Philosophy in the science landscape.

campusExperts from nine other universities participated in the meeting, which took place at the University of Navarra: Universidad Panamericana (Mexico), Universidad Asia Pacifico (Mexico), Universidad Austral (Argentina), Universidad de Piura (Peru), Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia), Universidad de los Andes (Chile), Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz (Italy), Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Spain) and Centro Universitario Villanueva (Spain).

Among other topics, the value of transversal training in the humanities disciplines, the influence on faculty training , innovation and methodological development in the Humanities, the prestige and visibility of research in this area, and international exchange projects were discussed.



