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Theology of religions and Ecumenism, Latin American Theology and St. Bonaventure are the focus of the Week of update Theology.

A hundred people participated in the different sessions held at the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.

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Priests, professors, professors, students and employees of the University of Navarra have participated in the different sessions. PHOTO: Chus Cantalapiedra
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Juan Luis Lorda. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
17/01/20 16:02 Chus Cantalapiedra

The department of Systematic Theology of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra has celebrated from January 13 to 17 the first Week of update Theology. Aimed at professors, students and employees of the academic center and priests of the diocese, a total of fifteen sessions were given. A total of around one hundred people participated in the five sessions conference.

Professor Juan Luis Lorda, coordinator of this activity, explains the three lines on which the agenda has been focused: "A line of Theology of religions and Ecumenism to know how we are doing in our relations with Hinduism, Islam, the Protestant universe, Orthodoxy and Anglicanism. Then, an overview of Latin American Theology, its history and current presence, embodied in Pope Francis. And, thirdly, a topic of St. Bonaventure, which is the desire of Christ in every Christian".

The sessions were given by professors Pablo Blanco, César Izquierdo, Juan Luis Lorda, Carmen Alejos, Pedro Benítez and Ramiro Pellitero from the University of Navarra, and Carlos Esteban Salto Solá from the Antonianum University of Rome.



