The School of Architecture collaborates in a European project for the sustainable renovation of buildings.
Ten entities from eight different countries are involved in the project, StepUP, and the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra collaborates in the experimental phase.
17 | 04 | 2024
The School of Architecture of the University of Navarra has collaborated in the final testing part of the project of research European Solutions and Technologies for the UPtake of Deep Energy Renovation Processes(StepUP), focused on the concepts of sustainability and industrialization, specifically in the field of energy renovation of buildings.
Ten entities from eight different countries are involved in project . The partnership was born from the application of the business Construcciones ACR to the School of Architecture, which has facilitated the use of the two test modules that are located next to the south facade of the building.
This test space in Pamplona was visited by representatives of the participating entities on April 17. "In addition to the technical presentations, the attendees have been able to get a clear vision of how the project is contributing to the advancement of innovative solutions in the field of deep energy renovation", assures José Antonio Sacristán, professor at the School of Architecture who is leading this partnership.
The event also had as goal promote the participation and partnership among the different actors involved through the presentation of the objectives of the project, the technologies used and the scope of the pilot project .
StepUP has the goal to develop affordable solutions and technologies aimed at transforming the energy renovation market and making the decarbonization of existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment.
To this end, "a technology has been developed that feeds back on occupant feedback and promotes an iterative approach of energy renovation, based on real and simulated data , in order to minimize performance issues, reduce financial barriers and optimize investments," explains María Ibáñez, manager Project Manager at research and development in ACR. In this sense, StepUP addresses the European challenge of achieving decarbonization of existing buildings by 2050 in line with the Renovation Wave.
Among the solutions is an industrialized ventilated façade envelope that integrates windows and contemplates spaces for the installation of new building conditioning systems that make energy consumption more flexible. The implementation of the façade improves the conditions of the living spaces through better thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, speed and Economics of assembly and dry construction.
The entities involved in the project are: IES (UK); IES R&D (Ireland); Unismart (Italy); MANNI Group SPA (Italy); Eurecat technology center (Spain); ABUD (Hungary); Energinvest (Belgium); ACR Constructions (Spain); HeatVentors (Hungary); and the Municipality of the 18th District of Budapest (Hungary).