CIMA LAB Diagnostics offers the pharmacogenomic test OneOme RightMed® thanks to the agreement signed with business OneOme
Using a sample blood sample, this pharmacogenomic test analyzes the patient's DNA to help determine the efficacy and toxicity of some of the most commonly used drugs in the clinical internship .
The OneOme RightMed® test is a test Genetics that assesses the response to numerous drugs and financial aid helps physicians select the most effective drugs for their patients, avoiding or reducing side effects.
To do this, the specialist must collect a sample blood sample from the patient and send it to laboratory of Solid Tumors and Hereditary Diseases of CIMA LAB Diagnostics, from where the request is managed with the business OneOme. A process that takes 15 working days but whose result is valid for life. "The physician will be able to incorporate relevant changes in the patient's treatment to the report during the follow-up, in order to know what interaction the new drugs to be prescribed to the patient may have based on their Genetics", according to the specialists at CIMA LAB Diagnostics.
This test facilitates a report open to all medical specialties, but especially oriented to the services of Checkups, Psychiatry, Oncology or Pain Unit.
OneOme RightMed® Information Flyer