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Literary recommendations for the summer

Professors of Degree at language and Spanish Literature have made a selection of readings to enjoy during these weeks off. We hope their pages will enrich your summer!

Concepción Martínez PasamarConcepción Martínez Pasamar: "A farmhouse"

"Summer is a time to read slowly, pausing and savoring each page. That is why it is also a propitious time for poetry, such as the free verse of Álex Nogués or the luminous images of Alba Azaola. A farmhouse is a bouquet of summer memories. It encloses the discoveries and experiences of childhood, which will awaken in any reader his or her own. The precious edition, on matte paper sewn with exposed thread, enhances the enjoyment of this book, especially appropriate for summer reading".

Concepción Martínez PasamarMiguel Zugasti: "Shipwreck and pilgrimage. Pedro Gobeo of Vitoria"

"The content of the story itself encloses avatars, adventures and bravery across American seas and lands, and it could be said that, in itself, it is a tribute to the material and spiritual will that moved so many enterprising Spaniards in the 17th century. This beautiful narration has it all, and it contains it all within a seductive literary quality that is difficult for the good reader to resist". Ricardo Martínez Conde (Letralia).

Concepción Martínez PasamarJulia Pavón: "A season to whistle"

"1909. A settler town in the American West (Marias Coulee, Montana), a widowed father and his three children and the arrival of Rose, a housekeeper. Fifty years later, the older brother, Paul, recalls with nostalgia a childhood where the everyday, the funny and even the absences shape a singular vision of the world".

Concepción Martínez PasamarJavier de Navascués: "The names I have given you"

"This work, by José Mateos, one of the greats in Spanish language , brings together his complete poetry over thirty years of creation. A must for readers of current poetry".

Concepción Martínez PasamarGabriel Insausti: "Homo mysticus"

"Jesús Cotta, author of this work, is a poet, professor of Philosophy, translator of Petrarca's De vita solitaria and a great humanist. award Antonio Oloiver Belmás for Gorriones de acera, in his work combines the study of classical sources and the confrontation with the problems of the modern world. Homo mysticus, a collection of aphorisms, belongs to his less apologetic or polemic side and, as the name suggests, is an attempt to build a life of recollection, meditation and spirituality in the midst of the hustle and bustle that invades us".



