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True social insertion requires the employment rate

COCEMFE Navarra and the University of Navarra promote the integration of people with disabilities at risk of exclusion into the labor market by means of a internship program

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The work experience will serve as a positive stimulus and will improve their professional skills. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
17/09/14 10:52 Raquel Astibia

The Navarre Federation of Physical and Organic Disability(COCEMFE Navarra) warns that one in four households with a person with a disability is particularly affected by situations of social exclusion. Given this scenario, COCEMFE Navarra has reactivated its internship program called "Disability and social and labor inclusion", with the goal topromote the labor integration of people with disabilities at risk of exclusion.

Edurne Jaúregui, General Manager of COCEMFE Navarra, stated that they are aware that the current economicstatus has greatly complicated the lives of many people, but "especially has treated more strongly to people with disabilities". That is why, with the goal to facilitate their labor integration, the entity has signed this morning a agreement of partnership with Sofia Collantes, manager of TANTAKA (program of volunteer activities and inclusion of the University of Navarra). Both entities emphasize that"true social insertion requires the employment rate, since there is nothing more integrating than the employment: it provides economic autonomy to people with difficulties and raises their self-esteem".

In the opinion of the entities, these work experiences "will improve their professional skills and will serve as a positive stimulus to see how a University trusts them to carry out responsible tasks". Specifically, the six beneficiaries of the internships will perform various jobs such as customer service, instructions of data, administrative office, book cleaning or destruction of documents in different Schools of the University as well as in the CIMA.

These internships, which will have a total duration of 200 hours, will take place between September 22 and mid-December. goal It should also be noted that the program has a personalized follow-up by technicians from employment of COCEMFE with the aim of "achieving a quick adaptation to the position and enhance their learning". 

Inclusion programs

The University of Navarra began to develop social inclusion programs during the 2012-2013 academic year through agreements with various entities. In this way, several people have been able to collaborate in some of the University's Departments , such as Office of the Executive Council, Office of the Registrar or administration. Likewise, the University recently organized the program "Campus inclusivos, Campus sin límite", whose goal was to introduce eight young people with different types of disabilities to the university environment. 



