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''Diners come to our restaurant looking for a surprise''.

The restaurateur Pedro Subijana presented at the University of Navarra some of the culinary techniques he develops in "Akelarre".

18/01/13 12:09
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Pedro Subijana PHOTO: Manuel Castells

class The restaurateur Pedro Subijana gave a master class at the University of Navarra, under the degree scroll "Evolution of culinary technology in recent decades: The need for scientific-technical knowledge ". There he explained, through videos, some of the techniques he develops and then transfers to the menu of his restaurant Akelarre, located in the capital of San Sebastian. "When diners come to our restaurant, they come looking for surprise, the best raw subject ".

The expert acknowledged that one of the things that most obsesses him is flavor and that of all the experiments and tests he carries out, he is satisfied if only two are successful. He is clear about this:"the final result must be proportionate to the work that is made. What is not worth it is to follow a very complicated process that does not give the desired result ".

Subijana has a long and renowned career in the field of gastronomic research . He has taught courses in various American and European institutions and, as of this year, he is Adjunct Professor of the subject Culinary Technology, which is shared by Degrees of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and Pharmacy, of the University of Navarra.

In this framework, a total of 35 Nutrition students attended a class internship in the classroom kitchen of its restaurant. There, the students witnessed the preparation of some recipes and visited the restaurant's facilities.



