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Three National Prizes of research, professors Jesús San Miguel, Miguel Ángel Martínez-González and Jesús María Prieto, participate in an event organized by IdiSNA.

University speakers stress the importance of public-private partnership

FotoManuelCastells/From left to right, Nuria Goñi, Idisna's scientific board member ; Natalia Cal, director of Idisna's management ; Alfredo Martínez Larrea, General Manager of the University Hospital of Navarra; professors Jesús María Prieto, Miguel Ángel Martinez-González and Jesús San Miguel; Nicolás Martínez Velilla, director scientific director of Idisna; Estefanía Toledo, professor at the University of Navarra and coordinator of area of Epidemiology and Public Health of Idisna; and Felipe Prósper, director of area of Cell Therapy of Clínica Universidad de Navarra and Deputy Director in the scientific direction of Idisna.

18 | 01 | 2023

The Navarrabiomed headquarters hosted a workshop organized by IdiSNA that brought together University of Navarra researchers Jesús San Miguel, Full Professor of Hematology and director of Clinical and Translational Medicine at the University; Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, Full Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health; and Jesús María Prieto, Full Professor of Internal Medicine. All three, National Prizes at research, spoke about their passion for research and the milestones that have marked their careers. The session also addressed the past, present and future of research in Navarra. The speakers did not hesitate to encourage young people to dedicate themselves to research and advocated the promotion of partnership between public and private institutions. Dr. Nicolás Martínez Velilla, director scientist of IdiSNA, introduced the event.

Prof. Prieto went further on this issue: " Resources must be increased at research because the economic transformation of a region depends to a large extent on it". On this point, Dr. Jesús San Miguel stressed that "Navarra can be a model of reference letter in all of Spain because it has everything, the way to demonstrate this is to continue promoting the public-private relationship". 

The protagonists of the event described the research of the future as a team effort that integrates the work developed with clinical and care medicine. Dr. Martínez-González emphasized the need to obtain "large cohorts of data, trials that lead to behavior modification and that allow us to answer the questions that clinicians ask themselves every day". "We must give a leading role in research to primary care, which, in Navarra, is a model when it comes to research". Along the same lines, Dr. Jesús San Miguel advocated the creation of interdisciplinary work groups, with complementary areas. goal "Above all, we must not forget to ask ourselves: 'What I am doing, what is it going to be useful for?' and not lose sight of the fact that the ultimate aim of the research is to help the sick". 

During his intervention, Dr. Prieto explained how the CimaThe University of Navarra was born small, but it has an eagerness and ambition to carry out top quality science". Prieto encouraged administrations to invest more in Education."A country is great because it has great universities. The best investment is investment in science to be able to transform a country". 

"Thank you for bringing the world to Navarre."

Passion, curiosity, perseverance, the need to ask why things happen and above all work and effort are qualities that, in the opinion of the researchers, every scientist must have. Professor Martínez-González added that people who want to dedicate themselves to the research have to be prepared for a hard life, "which does not have immediate rewards, but in the long term deadline, which comes with a lot of patience but requires the desire to develop something great".

At the end of the event, the General Manager of the Navarra Hospital Complex, Dr. Alfredo Martínez Larrea, thanked the three researchers for all their work: "Thank you for bringing the world to this small community of 662,000 inhabitants and for making it possible for this community to dream of being present as a world reference". Alfredo Martínez wanted to recognize the University of Navarra for its work and its commitment to the training of researchers "which has allowed people like you to develop and to be able to refund to this land what you have received in it". "Beyond overcoming the difficulties that exist in all areas, you have transmitted happiness for what you have done. You have shared your wisdom: people who transform people, who transform organizations and who aspire to transform societies. You have given us motivation," he concluded.



