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A thesis of the University proposes storytelling as a narrative genre.

María Luisa Antonaya classifies works by Atxaga, Díaz-Mas and Martín Garzo in this genre.

18/02/00 12:40

"Researchers of Spanish literature usually include the story cycles within the genres of novel or collection of stories. They usually classify them as 'experimental novels' or 'unified collections', which forces us to focus only either on the parts (in the case of the collection) or on the whole (in the case of the experimental or fragmented novel)", explains María Luisa Antonaya in her thesis . This researcher has presented her work, graduate "El ciclo de cuentos como género literario en la literatura española", at the School of Philosophy y Letras of the University of Navarra.

"In the story cycle, both the parts and the whole maintain their integrity and importance: it is not a relationship based on the subordination of the parts to the whole, but on the interaction of the parts in the creation of a world that transcends them. For this reason, in this thesis I propose to define the story cycle as a narrative genre," says Antonaya.

The doctor in Philology Hispanic also explains that "as a genre, the short story cycle has been studied, above all, by North American critics, since their literature is the one that has provided the most examples".

The research presents a historical overview of the evolution of the short story cycle in Spanish literature, from the Age average to the twentieth century. It also presents a detailed reading of three works that Antonaya has classified as short story cycles: "Obabakoak", by Bernardo Atxaga; "El sueño de Venecia", by Paloma Díaz-Mas; and "Las historias de Marta y Fernando", by Gustavo Martín Garzo.

María Luisa Antonaya has a degree in Philology English and Hispanic Studies from McGill University in Montreal (Canada) and was a professor of Modern Languages at the University of Navarra from 1997 to 1999.



