New edition of the bibliographic seminar organized by CEJE
The Deputy Director of the Josemaría Escrivá Center programs of study , Onésimo Díaz, directed a new edition of the bibliographical seminar to analyze and comment on new developments in Opus Dei.

18 | 04 | 2024
In the last bibliographical seminar , held on April 15, 2024, some of the 120 records collected in the bulletin were commented on. First of all, Inmaculada Alva commented on a book about the beginnings of Opus Dei in the Philippines through one of the pioneers, the priest Javier de Pedro.
Next, Santiago Martínez reviewed the book Breve historia del Opus Dei, published by Alianza, by Carlos Javier Morales; a article on the Arbor movement by Onésimo Díaz; a recent book on the first thousand supernumeraries by Julio Montero and María Luisa Galdón; and a biography of Martín Descalzo, written by Cantavella.
Afterwards, Onésimo Díaz glossed several works with references to Opus Dei: a monograph by González Calleja on the relationship between the Falange and the bishops in the postwar period; a book chapter by González Cuevas on politics and culture under Franco; a article by Hoffman on López Rodó, published in the journal Historia y Política; and a book chapter by Saz in a book published by Routledge.
At the end of the session, the participants asked questions on the topics previously addressed.