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University student launches initiative to collect testimonials from people about the global pandemic COVID-19

The Aragonese Alfonso Boned has created #UnaHistoriaMásHumana, with the aim of collecting in an open documentary collection the different experiences of citizens.

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Alfonso Boned PHOTO: Chus Cantalapiedra
18/05/20 11:37 Chus Cantalapiedra

Alfonso Boned, a student at the University of Navarra, has launched the initiative #UnaHistoriaMásHumana, with the aim of collecting testimonies from people reflecting how they have experienced the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. With all the experiences he receives, this student from Zaragoza, who is in his third year at Degree in attendance de Dirección, will create an open documentary collection that can be consulted.

"Each one has a different story worthy of being told to our descendants," says Boned, who hopes that "in 100 or 200 years, in addition to the data of the pandemic, our history will be known". He points out that this documentary collection will be a bequest for future generations: "It has never been so easy to write history," he says. That is why he encourages anyone who wants to participate in this initiative, because, as he points out, "the more stories that reach us, the greater bequest for future generations". 

Boned got to work when he heard about project from the Mexican creative, Roberto Martinez, who collected letters from people to compare the daily life of a poor Mexican and a rich one long before this pandemic: "It occurred to me to use his idea of collecting letters to compare how people of different ages feel during this pandemic. That way you can put yourself in the shoes of a person with a reality very different from your own and know how they are living this drastic paradigm shift". 

"I added this idea to the knowledge of documentation and file to be able to preserve them indefinitely," he says. He also indicates that to set up this project he has used tools that he has learned throughout the degree program. From how to collect data personal data in compliance with the European regulation on the protection of data personal data, to how to create a web page. 

Remember that "we don't know how long television reports can be known. Right now if any of us are given a film from the 1920s, we most likely won't be able to reproduce it. The PDF-A format, makes this information timeless, and so in 2120 they will be just as capable of reading our stories as we are now." 

Those interested in participating can do so through form on the website They should indicate what they do on a daily basis, how they feel and what worries them. The message can be left anonymously if anyone wishes to do so.



