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Two nutrition experts from the University of Navarra participate in the II Professional Food workshop

Amelia Martí del Moral and Alfredo Martínez gave presentations

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From right to left: Alfredo Martínez and Amelia Martí del Moral together with the other participants of the roundtable "Nutritional Genomics from the Pharmacy Office", Rosa Lamuela-Raventós and Aquilino García Perea.
PHOTOGRAPH: Courtesy of committee General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos
18/06/14 12:06 Miriam Salcedo

Amelia Martí del Moral, Professor of Physiology, and Alfredo Martínez, Full Professor in Nutrition, both from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra, participated in the II Professional Food workshop held on June 4 in Madrid.

Under the slogan"Exercise feeds your health", this meeting organized by the committee General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos, through the Vocalía Nacional de Alimentación, reviewed the most important aspects in which the pharmacist can contribute to promote healthy eating habits in the population and promote healthy living habits. Among them, emphasis was placed on the future challenges offered by Genetics in the field of nutrition. The interventions of Professors Martí del Moral and Martínez dealt with this issue.

With the degree scroll "instructions genetics of obesity", the expert in Physiology highlighted the status of this "complex and polygenic disease" in Spain and explained how the Genetics contributes to know the origin of obesity, favoring its early detection, prevention and improvement of care. Regarding the predisposition Genetics to suffer from the disease, the expert pointed out that lifestyle also influences the activation of these genetic factors. Professor Martínez insisted on this topic in his discussion paper "Present and future of personalized nutrition". During his speech, he explained how personalized nutrition, "based on nutrigenetics and nutritional genomics", makes it possible to adapt the per diem expenses of each individual, according to his or her genetic characteristics, and to offer personalized dietary treatments for various pathologies.



