10 Tantaka's special actions during the 2013-2014 academic year
In addition to all the work done by our volunteers, drop by drop every day, we want to tell you from Tantaka the 10 special actions that we have carried out during the 2013-2014 academic year in the. campus
With a city bus parked on the esplanade of the Fcom building and the slogan: "Get on the bus and do volunteer activities", we informed the new students of all the options to help them while at the same time promoting public transportation.
The Solidarity Tombola and the Giant Volleyball were Tantaka's two activities on Sports Day. The Tombola raised €1,134.50 for the cooperation projects of the University's Senior Colleges. The Giant Volleyball had 840 participants. The Sports Service donated one euro for each participant and the total collected was destined to volunteer activities for the rehabilitation of housing for people without resources that the students of the School of Architecture do with Cáritas.
762 people have attended our training courses. In addition to the courses of volunteer activities Social, Education Special, management of Events, Communication for Solidarity and Cooperation to development, this year we inaugurated Training to Understand Disability, a cycle with five views on disability from different perspectives. We also had a workshop on the treatment of the social image of people with disabilities in the media.
Disability from the point of view of the Administration
Disability from a legal perspective
Disability from the associations' point of view
Towards the path of employment rate
workshop on the treatment of persons with disabilities in the media
This year, 5,648 students participated and, with their study time in the libraries of the University, halls of residence and university clubs, they were able to earn 35,874 hours that the sponsors transformed into euros destined to improve the schools of Haiti with the project: "My study draws their future", organized by Coopera.
1,251 kilos of food were collected and donated to the Food Bank of Navarra; more than 1,000 kilos of clothes for Caritas, and for the diocesan parishes of Berriozar and Rochapea; 308 toys for the Red Cross and the Parish of Christ the King.
6. RAK: Random Acts of Kindness
The International Relations Service and Tantaka organized a solidarity gala on February 13 in which 177 people participated and we raised 521.50€, which were destined to volunteer activities for the rehabilitation of housing for people without resources that the students of School of Architecture carry out with Cáritas. The gala took place at School de Comunicación and featured pinchos made by five restaurants of the "association gastronomic Reyno de Navarra".
Solidariun is the day dedicated to solidarity at campus. A place of meeting between Navarrese social organizations, the university community and cooperation projects carried out by students. Solidarity lunch, concerts, presentations, information stands, solidarity raffle, prizes, performances, photography contest... Under the slogan: "Drop by drop the sea grows".
A day dedicated to cooperation and volunteer activities
Some thirty associations participate in Solidariun
Inclusion can only be achieved through the employment rate of people with disabilities . In the 2013-2014 academic year, the project Tantaka Inclusion was born with the goal to provide training internships to people with disabilities in order to give them the opportunity to fill in their experience through internships for a few months in a professional environment. The tutors of the associations and those in charge of the University identify the possible work positions and match them to the skills of people with disabilities.
We have 5 agreements signedwith Navarre associations that have as goal the employment rate of people with disabilities: Avanvida, association Síndrome de Down, Fundación Aspace Navarra para el employment, high school Hijas de Jesús (Jesuitinas) and COCEMFE Navarra.
Thanks to these agreements, 7 interns have been at the University of Navarra since September 2013.
Pioneers against stigma (pdf)
After the union of UAS and Tantaka, we have made our debut on social networks. Follow us to keep up to date with our volunteer programs, campaigns, solidarity activities, courses and everything you want to know about solidarity.
On Facebook
And on Twitter
Tantaka has supported a campaign to collect clothes and toys to send to the neediest families in Cuba. More than 200 kilos have already been sent. We also have a campaign to collect pens and writing materials to help in the research of Dravet syndrome.