Fundación business-University of Navarra has managed 1,220 internships in companies this summer.
161 students and graduates completed their professional internships abroad
This summer, Fundación business -University of Navarra managed 1,220 internships in companies for students and graduates. Of these, 161 interned in companies located abroad, in countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Ecuador, the USA, Argentina and Brazil.
The firms included Deloitte, Bristol Myers, Volkswagen, Thomson, Reuters and OECD. As for the national internships, the students were in companies such as Mondelz España, BMW, Banco Santander, Caja Rural and Viscofan, among others.
Likewise, according to the report of Fundación business-Universidad de Navarra, recently published, during 2012, a total of 3,380 internships were managed at partnership with the different Schools of the academic center. Although most of them took place in companies located in Spain, the issue of international placements is increasing every year.
In addition to this figure, 227 graduates of the University of Navarra participated in the Program of Initiation to business (PIE). This is a program of postgraduate program with internships of 3 to 12 months in companies and for many graduates it is their first contact with the labor market contact . In addition, 2,537 offers of employment were managed.
In addition, 274 students and graduates spent time in companies in 55 countries through the Erasmus, Global Internship Program, External Academic Placements and Leonardo Program.