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Students from Master's Degree E-Menu attend in London a congress on per diem expenses, gut microbiota and health.

The event was held at the Royal College of Surgeons on December 11 and 12.

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PHOTO: University of Navarra
19/12/13 10:53 Laura Latorre

Students of the EuropeanMaster's Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism (E-Menu) of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra attended a congress on per diem expenses, gut microbiota and health, held at the Royal College of Surgeons in London on December 11 and 12. 

The appropriate application of different types of diets and functional foods in patients with gastrointestinal pathologies is very important in the improvement of the typical symptoms of these pathologies. Likewise, the knowledge of the gastrointestinal microbiota, its modulation and the metabolites to which it gives rise is a factor core topic in health.

The international event was organized by the British Nutrition Society.

Students who traveled to London
The students who attended the congress in London, together with professors Alfredo Martínez and Diana Ansorena, were the following:

Elena Abella Santos
Denisse Benincasa Giménez
Brenda Ceballos González
Marcos García Lacarte
Rita María Godoy Gaitán
Diana Koklonis
José Rafael Martins Cachima
María Victoria Raventós Irigoyen
Paola Rodríguez Rugarcía
Ana Teresa Salmorán Pacheco
Alfonso Daniel Silva Ochoa
Arcady Téllez Peña
Luz María Valencia Erazo
Cecilia Villacis Dueñas
Nathaly Yánez Salvador
Usune Etxeberria (researcher)



