Tecnun celebrates the Day of the patron saint
Sports activities, music and student booths energize a round workshop that has regained all its splendor after the break due to the pandemic.
20 | 03 | 2023
This year's patron saint Day, which was held in advance on Thursday, March 16, was presided over by good weather throughout the workshop. It was a round day that has regained all its splendor after the pause imposed by the pandemic. This celebration coincides with the feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of engineers. Christian tradition tells us in the Gospels that St. Joseph was a "tekton", a word whose translation from Greek means carpenter and also builder, the one who builds things. At summary, St. Joseph the "tekton" has come to be associated with technology and thus with engineers.
This year's patron saint party was organized by the Subdirección de Estudiantes, with Jorge Juan Gil, Rocío Núñez and Roxana Castro at the head, and the delegates of the four courses of Degree and those of Master's Degree with the goal that the whole School enjoyed a day of celebration. The workshop started with a mass in the chapel of Tecnun, officiated by the chaplain D. Emilio Fuertes, which was accompanied by the songs of some members of the School Choir. Then, there was a floral offering to the Virgin and, at average morning, began the various sports activities such as a volleyball tournament, soccer conference room, table soccer, E-sports, etc.. Among them, the most popular was the soccer match conference room played by teachers against students, in which the teachers won the match with a tight 4-3.
Some of the students set the atmosphere at car park cooking arepas, paella, hamburgers and crepes, among other culinary delights, which both students and teachers and staff no professor of the School and Ceit enjoyed at noon. The cultural richness of campus could be tasted in the dishes displayed on the esplanade of the Igara Building. In the end, the winning chiringuito was that of the Venezuelan students, who conquered the rest with their arepas de carne mechada and guacamole. It should be noted that the proceeds from this stand will go to the NGO '.High Five for Venezuela'..
The students in charge of making sure everything went smoothly were: Ernesto Antelo, commissioner of the E-sports, the sound technician and the DJ; Juan Fernando Salvador and Miguel Jordano of the chiringuitos; Juan Ros of the music group ; Bernardo Pastrán and Inés López of the mass choir and the offering of flowers to the Virgin; Luis Montal and Alonso Villalón of the mus tournament; Inés Pineda of the mechanical bull; Santiago Ayala and Nicolás de Vilallonga of the internal soccer tournament; Daniela Echeverría and Daniel Ledezma of the volleyball tournament; Juan Lacosta of the attendance Médica; and Lucía Fernández and the rest of the delegates, in turn, of the beverage bar.
The workshop was very well acclimated thanks to the chords of the music groups Fila Cero, composed of schoolchildren of Ayete, and group PingüinoHippie, in which plays Santi Diaz, former student of the School and drummer of the band. At the end of the musical groups, a dj was responsible for the march did not decline until the submission trophies of the various disciplines.