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A nursing research , selected for the social program "You choose, you decide".

Leire Ambrosio investigates how to improve the coexistence of patients with chronic illnesses

20/05/13 12:44 Laura Latorre
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Leire Ambrosio
PHOTO: Manuel Castells

A research on how to improve the coexistence of patients with chronic diseases, developed at the School Nursing of the University of Navarrahas been selected to be part of the social program "Tú eliges, tú decides" of the Caja Navarra Foundation, which facilitates the financing of social projects chosen by citizens.

Leire Ambrosio, a graduate of the San Sebastian School of Nursing, points out in an interview for the magazine "Amigos de por vida", that the goal of her research is to design and validate a scale that measures the Degree of coexistence of a person with a chronic disease, and of his or her family and friends. It will be," Ambrosio explains, "a scale aimed at health professionals, so that they can identify which aspects of the process of living with the person's illness need to be improved and, consequently, intervene on them".

The researcher, who also completed the Master's Degree of research and Advanced Role in Nursing at the University of Navarra, emphasizes that she presented the project encouraged by the association of Friends, and because it seemed to her "a fantastic platform to communicate to society a topic as relevant, priority and unknown as this one, which is part of the ReNACE Program (Recovery, Normalization, Acceptance and Coexistence with the Disease)".



