The Science Museum of the University of Navarra takes to the streets
From 24 May to 7 June, two "spring science weeks" have been organised: science in the street, talks and experiments at cafeteria, workshops for children, and celebration of World Environment Day.

20 | 05 | 2022
partnership During the months of May and June, the Science Museum of the University of Navarra has organised "Science in the Street", a series of activities for the general public at knowledge dissemination , with the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) - Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Government of Navarra, Pamplona City Council, and the Banco Sabadell Foundation.
From 24 May to 7 June, at partnership also with the UPV/EHU'sChair de Cultura Científica, a new collection of infographics will be displayed on bus shelters and totem poles in Pamplona - at Spanish and in Basque - to explain the science behind everyday aspects: the water cycle in the city, why the leaves of trees change colour, how yoghurt is made, what components it has and how a vaccine works, the science and technology behind a bar code or how an induction hob works in the kitchen. These infographics complete the collection that was exhibited in the streets of Pamplona in November on the science behind a beer, a loaf of bread, a car, a fruit or a mobile.
"The goal is to once again fill the streets of Pamplona with science and technology, from posters that we will find as we walk around the city, with talks and experiments in a relaxed atmosphere such as a cafeteria, to literally taking the Science Museum out onto the streets on Saturday 4th June" explains Ignacio López-Goñi, director of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra.
On the other hand, the Science Museum is going out to the bars with scientists and popularisers. On Monday 30th May, Cristina Sola, doctor and lecturer at Chemistry of the University of Navarra's Science School , will be explaining "Chemistry at cafeteria" in a internship, experimental and fun way. The following day, José Ramón Isasi, professor of Chemistry of the School de Ciencias, will reveal the secrets of "Fermentar, destilar, mezclar. Science for drinking". And on Wednesday 1st June, José Luis Lanciego, researcher in Neurosciences at Cima, will talk about "Cajal's neuron", on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the birth of Ramón y Cajal. All these sessions will be held at the Zentral Café Teatro (C/ Mercado s/n, Pamplona) at 8 p.m.
Furthermore, on Saturday 4th June, the Science Museum will be taking to the streets to celebrate World Environment Day with various activities for children aged between 3 and 12. These workshops will be held in a marquee located on Avenida de Carlos III (crossing with Avda. Roncesvalles) at schedule from 11 am to 2 pm and from 4 to 6 pm. Families will be able to enjoy observing animals with digital magnifying glasses, experiments to see the pollution of the seabed with oils, recycling used cooking oil to make soap, an Ocular Escape Room, and more informative activities for the little ones.
Further information on these two science weeks can be found on the Science Museum's website.