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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (June 2022)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Chile, Denmark, USA, Spain, Finland, Italy, Portugal and the UK.

20 | 07 | 2022

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care


Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Alazne Belar, Eduardo Garralda, Alicia Hernando, Marina Martínez, Carla Reigada and Ana Paula Salas attended the XIII International congress of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (Mallorca, Spain, 9-11/6/2022). 

  • They offered the following oral communications: 'National and European overview of the research in Palliative Care' (Carlos Centeno), 'The art of caring: Sharing experiences of gratitude in Palliative Care' (María Arantzamendi), 'Experiences of patients and professionals on wanting to die: main themes of a qualitative analysis.How to respond to the desire to bring forward death' (Alazne Belar), 'References to palliative care and linguistic-discursive analysis of the organic law regulating euthanasia' (Alicia Hernando); 'The use of gamification to improve empathy in university students' (Carla Reigada).  

  • Three posters were also presented: 'Feasibility and acceptance of the patient dignity question (PDQ) in a sample of Palliative Care (PC) patients' (Marina Martínez, Ana Larumbe, Alazne Belar and Carlos Centeno), 'The power of the multidisciplinarity and the person-centered design for palliative care awareness: A study multidisciplinary' (Carla Reigada) and 'La innovación professor como estrategia de Public Communication en cuidados paliativos: protocol de estudio piloto' (Ana Paula Salas).

For her part, Carla Reigada gave the online seminar 'Transdisciplinaridade em Cuidados Paliativos', invited by the Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (Portugal, 7/6/2022).


Chair Álvaro d'Ors

Mónica García-Salmones attended the seminars 'State-sponsored assassination and international law' and 'Assessing the Global Relevance of Chinese Legal Thought', organized by the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights of the University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland, 9/6/2022); and 'Education del Carácter', of the International University of La Rioja (Madrid, Spain, 16/6/2022).


Creativity and Cultural Heritage

Loris de Nardi presented the oral communication 'La imprudencia temeraria: ¿una posible core topic interpretativa para profundizar en la management del riesgo de desastre decimonónica?' in the workshop 'Relecturas y diálogos en torno al abordaje historiográfico del desastre' organized by the high school of History of the Universidad de los Andes (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 15/6/2022). 

He also coordinated and presented the online roundtable 'Antropoceno: desafíos historiográficos: Can History ignore the Anthropocene', organized by the Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins and Centro de programs of study Históricos (CEH) (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 16/6/2022).

He also offered the discussion paper 'report collective, report historical and the management of disaster risk' at the workshop 'Understanding disaster risk. Proposals from the social and human sciences', organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Valparaíso, Chile, 17/6/2022). 

Adriana Gordejuela gave a talk at lecture 'Beyond the limits: merging past and present in film flashbacks' as part of the congress annual meeting of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Movie Imageorganized by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, (Gandía, Spain, 1/6/2022).

Carlos Veci y Juan Diego Molina participated in I congress International Hispano-American 'Hispanic World-Global World: report and future'.. They gave the papers 'Albergues de Minerva y criaderos de hombres ilustres. Los Colegios Mayores en el project de la derecha autoritaria española (1923-1951)' and 'Colombia antes y después de Álvaro Uribe: cambios en la seguridad y defensa', respectively. The event was organized by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (Madrid, Spain, 22-24/6/2022).


Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González participated in a meeting for peace of the project Science and Ethics for Happiness and Well-being (SEH) at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (Vatican City, 6-7/6/2022). His talk was on 'A good statesman is a peacemaker'.

Inés Olza gave the plenary discussion paper 'Metaphors of the Pandemic: Cognition and Emotion in Health Communication' at the international congress 'Biomedical communication and pandemics: new perspectives'. The event was organized by the University of Milan (Milan, Italy, 6/6/2022).

She also offered the invited lecture 'The hands of our politicians: gestures, cognition and communication in the public sphere' at the seminar Permanent of the Master's Degree in Applied English Linguistics of the Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia (UNED) (Madrid, Spain, 21/6/2022).

On the other hand, he presented the oral communication 'Gestural alignment in simultaneous interpreting: Evidence from training sessions at the European Court of Justice' at the 12th International lecture of the association Española de Lingüística Cognitiva, held at the University of La Rioja (La Rioja, Spain, 27-29/6/2022).

Ana Belén Martínez offered the online oral communication 'Climate Change Life Storytelling: Imagining the Future' at the 12th International Association for Biography and Autobiography (IABA) World Conferenceorganized by SELMA - Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, University of Turku (Turku, Finland, 14-17/6/2022).

He also presented the oral communication 'Reframing The Misrepresented 'Migrant Crisis' Via Testimonial Narratives' at the 37th annual ISSN International Conference on Narrative (Chichester, UK, 27-30/6/2022).  


Public discourse




Ruth Breeze, Sarali Gintsburg, Dámaso Izquierdo and Ana María Fernández attended the 6th ESTIDIA Conference 'Dialogue-shared experiences across space and time: cross-linguistic and cross-cultural practices'. Ruth Breeze and Sarali Gintsburg coordinated the workshop 'Danger from abroad: Xenophobic dis/misinformation about health issues in social average', and Sarali Gintsburg and Ruth Breeze -together with Mike Baynham- the workshop 'Narrating Migrations from Africa and the Middle East: A Spatio-Temporal Approach'.

The team delivered the oral communications 'But what if nothing is fake? The role of scalarity to develop critical thinking towards fake news in Secondary Education' (Ruth Breeze and Dámaso Izquierdo); 'Circumscribed transnational spaces: Moroccan immigrant women in rural Spain' (Ruth Breeze and Sarali Gintsburg), 'Spaces, places and times of Moroccan migration as shown in a video sketch comedy ('l-kāmīra la-kum') (Sarali Gintsburg and Mike Baynham), '"Contagious and putting the population at risk" vs "COVID-positive illegals putting American lives at risk": migrants as a stable source of fake news in the time of COVID-19, a comparative analysis' (Ana Maria Fernandez and Sarali Gintsburg). The congress was held at the University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain, 15-17/6/2022).

Melike Akkaraca gave the online oral communication 'Ressentiment, status and populism in international relations' at the BISA Conference 2022 'Can the world survive'.organized by the British International Studies Association (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, 15-17/6/2022).

Eleonora Esposito gave the oral communication 'Cyberviolence against women and girls in the EU-27' at the Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence, held at the University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-10/6/2022). 

He also gave the oral communication 'Intersecting Hostilities around the European Migration Crisis: The Case of Carola Rackete and the Sea-Watch 3' at the 12th International lecture of the Spanish association of Cognitive Linguistics, held at the University of La Rioja (La Rioja, Spain, 27-29/6/2022).

Dámaso Izquierdo traveled to Riga (Latvia), where she had five intensive conference work within the international project 'Spanish in Europe: Demographics of the speakers of a language' (University of Heidelberg, University of Zurich and high school Cervantes), as manager of the data of Estonia, together with the heads of the data of Latvia (Ana León Manzanero, Latvian Academy of Culture) and Lithuania (Vigilija Žiūraitė, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas) (2-3 and 6-8/6/2022).

He was also speaker guest of the International seminar 'The Spanish verbal system in ELE grammars and manuals', organized by the Latvian Academy of Culture for specialists in teaching of Spanish in the Baltic countries. His talk was entitled 'Spanish in Estonia: contexts of teaching-learning' (Riga, Latvia, 4/6/2022).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Cristina López del Burgo gave the online discussion paper 'Are we ready to talk about infertility?' in the congress international digital 'Love Talks: Sexuality and Affectivity'. of the International Federation for Family Development (4-6/6/2022).

Martiño Rodríguez was speaker of the I workshop on verbal conflict in oral interactions at the University of Valencia. He presented the project E(f)FECTS (Emotionally FocusEd Couple Therapy in Spanish) and spoke on 'Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: stages, tango and techniques' (Valencia, Spain, 6-7/6/2022).

He also gave two lectures on Emotion Focused Therapy to faculty members of department of Psychology and psychotherapists at the University of Jyväskylä (Jyväskylä, Finland, 16-18/6/2022).

Youth in transition

Aurelio Fernández made two short visits to research, one at Netherhall House (London, UK, 2-7/6/2022) and one at Ghent University, (Ghent, Belgium, 18-25/6/2022).

He also gave online presentations 'Daily-life social interactions of Spanish emerging adults' and 'Mobile as a social instrument: Social interactions and mobile use' at the congress of the Society of Ambulatory Assessment (14-16/6/2022).


Mind-Brain Group

Javier Sánchez Cañizares attended the 2022 SCS Conference: 'Earth and Environmental Stewardship'.organized by the Society of Catholic Scientists at the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein, USA, 3-5/6/2022).



Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán presented on line the REDWINN in a roundtable of the VII meeting of the University Platform of programs of study Feminists and Gender (EUFEM) 'Women, Technology and Gender Equality in research and development+i'. The activity was organized by high school de las Mujeres (Ims), Plataforma EUFEM and IUEM of the University of La Laguna (La Laguna, Spain, 27-28/6/2022).


Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat Herrero and Jaume Aurell were organizers and attendees of the event 'D. Theory & Praxis. Digital Design Destiny Direction', promoted by the high school business and Humanism of the University of Navarra. She moderated Panel III 'Humanism and Digital Transformation' and gave the discussion paper 'What is Reality?'. He moderated Panel II 'Al and the future of Work' and Panel IV 'Humanism and Digital Transformation II', and gave the discussion paper 'The Narrative of Disruption' (Babson Venue, Miami, USA, 9-10/6/2022).

Montserrat Herrero was speaker invited to the International Symposium Political Theology 2022, organized by the department of Philosophy of the University of Rome - La Sapienza. Her talk was entitled 'Charisma: Theological Political Genealogies of Political Legitimacy' (Rome, Italy, 22-24/6/2022).

Mercedes Montero led the 'Christian Sisterhood' panel at the Fifth Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religionwhich dealt with religion and diversity (Bologna, Italy, 20-23-6/2022).



