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"We need to look beyond immediate pleasure if we are to achieve sufficiently worthwhile goals."

More than two hundred people participate in the IV Symposium of the Society of Catholic Philosophers (SOFIC) held at the University of Navarre

FotoManuelCastells/Speakers and organizers of the IV SOFIC Symposium held at the University on September 16 and 17.

20 | 09 | 2022

"The consumer society invites us to satisfy our desires in real time, but we need to look beyond immediate pleasure if we want to achieve sufficiently valuable goals." This was stated at the University by Enrique Moros, professor of the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy and director of the IV Symposium of the Society of Catholic Philosophers (SOFIC).

Focused on 'Human body and identity staff', the congress was attended by more than two hundred people from European countries such as Portugal, Italy and France, and from Latin American countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina. Among the participants were university professors, philosophers, doctors, engineers, theologians and scientists, among others.

Professor Moros points out that the goal of congress was to welcome the different scientific and philosophical developments on human corporeality. In this sense, he affirms that "at the same time that corporeality is exalted in its most visible aspects, no one is satisfied with what is and, moreover, we want to live longer and, if possible, always". And he pointed out that for this it is necessary to overcome the limits of our corporeality: "What are we beyond our body? Man is a bodily being, but he is also a spiritual being. Our intelligence allows us to know reality and, to a large extent, to transform it in order to achieve our objectives".

Throughout the two days, presentations, communications, round tables, panel discussions and debates were held with the aim of investigating the complex constitution of the human being, "from the biological principles of the being itself to the always unfinished reality of its development and growth in knowledge and in virtues".

Five plenary sessions and 36 communications

position The opening session of the Symposium was given by Dean of the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy, Professor Santiago Collado, and the president of SOFIC, José Vicente Bonet. Throughout congress five plenary sessions were held and 36 papers were presented in the three spaces reserved for this purpose.

The first of the plenary sessions was entitled 'Gesture, virtues, identity staff' and was given by Angelo Campodonico, professor at the University of Genoa. Ricardo Piñeiro, director of the high school Core Curriculum of the University, gave the second, focused on 'Pulchritudo corporis: neither a soul fallen into a body nor a brain in a bucket'; and Professor Mariano Crespo, also a professor at the University, gave the third: 'The contribution of feelings to identity staff. A phenomenological perspective'.

position The fourth plenary session was given by José Ángel Lombo, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), who spoke on 'The unity of man from the reality of death'. And the fifth and last one was given by Agustín Serrano de Haro, from high school of Philosophy CISC of Madrid, who explained 'The structure of corporeality in the light of the experience of physical pain'.



