The visual image of Navarre from the Age average to the 20th century, collected in a University book
More than twenty experts from different universities and institutions attended partnership .

FotoManuelCastells/From left to right, Carmen Jusué, Agustín Guibert, Rosalía Baena, Ricardo Fernández Gracia and Pilar Andueza, at presentation of the book.
20 | 10 | 2022
The Publishing Services of the University of Navarre and the Fuentes Dutor Foundation have published the book The visual image of Navarra and its people. From the Age average to the dawn of the twentieth century.. Sponsored by the Fuentes Dutor Foundation, the work is the result of the reflections of more than twenty professors and researchers from various universities and cultural institutions on images as a sign of common identity and an element of cohesion and structuring of peoples.
"We wanted to bring closer the representations and figurations that speak of Navarre and of what the Navarrese could contemplate over more than eight centuries, because through our cultural heritage, bearer of so many visual images, we can discover our diversity and initiate an intercultural dialogue on what we have in common with other realities", explained Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the School of Philosophy and Letters, and director and publisher of the monograph.
The coordinators of the work are Carmen Jusué and Pilar Andueza. The presentation is signature Mª Concepción García Gaínza, who has pointed out that project publishing house constitutes an "intellectual edifice that brings together an ocean of visual images of the Old Kingdom, which must be looked at, seen and read, in order to know its depth through its form and its real and symbolic contents".
49 chapters of signs and images in keeping with tradition
Throughout 49 chapters, divided into two thematic blocks, images are collected that have result fundamental for the transmission of knowledge and that have been identified as their own. The first block makes reference letter to the land and its institutions and covers topics ranging from cartography, the image of the king, the heraldic emblem and currency, to the projection of history and the image of power, paintings and drawings of some localities. The second one deals with the promenaders, the landscape generated by religious art and urban planning, books and libraries, music, the sacred and everyday life. "It is a whole repertoire of signs and images attached to tradition, but by no means immovable, as they evolved over time," said Fernández Gracia.
The book was presented on Wednesday, October 19, at the Nuevo Casino of Pamplona. The event, chaired by Rosalía Baena, Vice President of Students of the University of Navarra, counted with the interventions of Ricardo Fernández Gracia, publisher of the work, and Agustín Guibert, trustee of the Fuentes Dutor Foundation. The more than one hundred people attending the event also enjoyed a piano performance of a couple of scores by J. Larregla and M. de Falla, at position by Julián Ayesa, organist of the cathedral of Pamplona.
The monograph is available for free download at the following link.
1. Book VIII of conference proceedings of the Diputación del Reino 1743- 1744. file Royal and General of Navarre. Photo J. L Larrión
Interior of the throne room (1860-1865). Photo Government of Navarre.
3. Macero of Pamplona, late 19th century. file Municipal of Pamplona.
List of authors:
Pilar Andueza Unanua (University of La Rioja)
Alejandro Aranda Ruiz (Archbishopric of Pamplona)
Pedro Echeverría Goñi (University of the Basque Country)
Clara Fernández-Ladreda (University of Navarra)
Ricardo Fernández Gracia (University of Navarra)
Alfredo Floristán Imízcoz (University of Alcalá de Henares)
Luis Javier Fortún Pérez de Ciriza (Royal Academy of History)
Mercedes Galán Lorda (University of Navarra)
Concepción García Gaínza (University of Navarra)
María Gembero Ustárroz (Institución Milá y Fontanals de research at Humanities (IMF-CSIC)
Carmen Jusué Simonena (UNED Pamplona)
Javier Itúrbide Díaz (Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro)
Carlos Martínez Álava (PhD in History of Art and professor at high school))
Javier Martínez de Aguirre (Complutense University of Madrid)
Carlos Mata Indurain (University of Navarra)
Eduardo Morales Solchaga (Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro )
Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos (University of Navarra)
Isabel Ostolaza Elizondo (Public University of Navarre)
José Ignacio Riezu Boj (University of Navarra)
Soledad de Silva y Verástegui (University of the Basque Country)
María José Tarifa Castilla (University of Zaragoza)
Ignacio Urricelqui Pacho (Carlist Museum of Estella)