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Chemistry forensics or the manufacture of an aspirin, in the conference of Experimentation for students from high school diploma of the University of Navarra

More than 150 students will participate in the internships, which are part of the 2009 Science Weeks.

20/11/09 14:48
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Chemistry forensics or the manufacture of an aspirin, in the conference of Experimentation for students from high school diploma of the University of Navarra PHOTO: Manuel Castells

More than 150 students from high school diploma will participate on the 21st, in the conference of Experimentation of the University of Navarra, organized on the occasion of the Science Weeks 2009. The students, coming from schools in Navarra, Basque Country, Aragon or Catalonia, will enter the laboratory to practice Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy or Nutrition.

For example, they will conduct experiments on Chemistry in a internship entitled "CSI Pamplona: Chemistry forensics for beginners" or in another on " Chemistry at home: extraordinary experiences with ordinary substances". In the Biology conference , students will analyze the microorganisms that surround us, in the Microbiology laboratory , and observe the animal diversity of a river, in the Zoology laboratory .

Likewise, students interested in pharmacy will be able to experiment with the creation of drugs in a session entitled "Are you able to make an aspirin?" and will also simulate the application of antidepressant and antiparkinsonian drugs. Finally, in the Introduction to Nutrition Workshop, students will be able to learn about their body composition and the calories they need and prepare a healthy menu.

The conference of Experimentation, organized by the School of Sciences, aims to give students a direct contact with the degrees of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry , Pharmacy or Nutrition so that they can decide on their university programs of study and their professional future.

Program of the conference of Experimentation


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