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3,484 University students earn 29,352 hours in the XVII Solidarity Study Olympiad

The study hours obtained will be converted into funding to train the staff health care workers, who in turn will care for around 1100 Talibé children in Senegal.

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Library Services of the University of Navarra
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
20/12/19 15:03 Carmen Lacarra

The students of the University of Navarra, through Tantaka, have contributed 27,012 hours to the XVII Solidarity Study Olympiad. The sponsors of the Olympiad, organized by the ONGD Coopera-Cooperación Internacional, will convert the hours of study into funding for a solidarity project . On this occasion, they will be destined to the training of nurses at La Maison de Gare, a home for Talibé children in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

Through this campaign, in which 3,484 students from different Schools and schools of the academic center have participated, the aim has been to raise awareness among young people about the importance of refund dignity to these minors, improving their health status and, in general, their living conditions.

Of the total number of hours added by University students (29,352), 11,917 correspond to the libraries of campus in Pamplona; 2,304 hours to TANTAKA-TECNUN, at campus in San Sebastian; and 11,140 hours to different Schools. On the other hand, through a form disseminated by RRSS, 5,505 hours of study were obtained.



