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The Science Museum of the University of Navarra uses games to bring Chemistry closer to the schools of Navarra

"The Secret of Manya", an original idea of Dr. Cristina Sola, has visited 10 schools in Pamplona with a reach of more than 450 students.

/Students of IES Basoko of Pamplona play the game at class.

21 | 03 | 2022

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra, thanks to the subsidy of the City Council of Pamplona, has offered schools "The secret of Manya", a project of Education of science, developed by Dr. Cristina Sola, which aims to bring the Chemistry in an entertaining way to the new generations.

"The goal of this activity is to present the subject of Chemistry as something attractive, fun and entertaining, to encourage vocations and, in this particular activity, to make visible the importance of women in science, since the common thread is the life of Marie Curie," says Dr. Sola.

The game consists ofsolving a mystery, through scientific challenges and experiments, about a secret inheritance received from Marie Curie. "The enigmas to be solved are theoretical and practical, alternating interactive activities, with augmented reality and experimentation".

This activity -focused on students in the 4th year of ESO and 1st year of ESO- takes place at the center and is directed by monitors from the academic institution. high school diploma- is developed in the center educational and is directed by monitors of the School of Sciences of the academic institution. The game is made up of a total of six boxes -which can be done in groups of five people at a time- containing the different materials to carry out the activity.

Schools in Pamplona wishing to host the activity can make the application through the website of the City Council. For any other center in the Autonomous Community of Navarre, the request can be made through the Science Museum's e-mail address(

The educational "Break Out" -employment of the game as a learning tool - implies a physical or mental skill and for Dr. Sola these tools have multiple benefits for students: "review, reinforce or introduce the agenda of a specific area ; favors the work at group, communication, problem solving and decision making; fosters imagination, creativity, logical thinking and deductive reasoning; produces high motivation, concentration, retention and learning; develops competitiveness, cooperation and solidarity; allows to have a contact with new technologies".



