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The University and the association Española de Dirección y development de Personas Navarra-La Rioja sign an agreement partnership agreement

They will develop joint projects to promote the development of the region in the social and labor field.

FotoManuelCastells/El General Manager of the University, Álvaro Balibrea, and the director of AEDIPE Navarra-La Rioja, Alex Uriarte, together with representatives of the School of Education and Psychology: Rafael Ansó, Olga Lizasoáin and Gemma Murillo.

21 | 04 | 2021

The University of Navarra and the association Española de Dirección y development de Personas (AEDIPE) of Navarra-La Rioja have signed a agreement to promote forums for analysis and discussion on management and development of people in organizations. The agreement of partnership was signed by the General Manager of the University, Álvaro Balibrea, and the director of AEDIPE Navarra-La Rioja, Alex Uriarte.

Both institutions are committed to develop joint training activities with experts in various fields, which favor the development of the Community of Navarra in the social and labor field.

The agreement arises to promote internships among professionals who are part of AEDIPE and students of the Degree in Pedagogy, as well as among those studying the pathway Psychology of work and Organizations, of the Degree in Psychology. "With this agreement we will have the opportunity to establish different actions such as developing themes so that the final projects of Degree have a greater connection with the real needs of the working world", says Olga Lizasoáin, Vice-Dean of Practicum of School of Education and Psychology.

For his part, Alex Uriarte assures that this agreement strengthens one of the objectives of AEDIPE Navarra-La Rioja, in terms of "systematic presence in universities and business schools". "We want to connect with the youngest talent and welcome future professionals at our association , acting as a bridge between the academic world and organizations," he explains.



