2014_05_21_ICS_El discurso político se genera para y por los medios de comunicación, no para y por el pueblo
"The political speech is generated for and by the media, not for and by the people."
Raffaele Simone, philosophical and political essayist, has participated in the XI International Linguistics congress at the University of Navarra.
Raffaele Simone defines the political speech as "the set of what politicians say to the people or to their political colleagues. The two directions are different and give rise to totally different products. The speech to the people - the more interesting of the two - serves to announce, promise, attack, criticize, indicate, and is the real political speech ." Nowadays, he says, "with the birth of show-politics and with the immense power that the average have taken, the political speech is amplified through these and is often produced expressly for the average to pick up and relaunch."
In other words, according to the expert, "politicians speak not because they have something to say but so that the average will spread their words and their image. The speech is generated for the average and by the average and not for and by the people. This aberrant hypertrophy of the political in the average is one of the factors of the disgust towards politics, what has to do with it and the politicians themselves, which can be seen at the moment all over the West, including Spain (and, of course, Italy)".
Likewise, when asked if anything goes to get votes, he assures that "lying is one of the oldest and best known ingredients of the political speech . Ancient rhetoric was created exactly to contrast this intrinsic tendency of politicians. European modernity knows new forms of lies and deception: media manipulation, the uncontrollable promise, the malicious confusion of the sporting with the civil, the degradation of citizens through a media production of the lowest level. All this is part of the modern strategies of the political speech , which is no longer just verbal production but a general communication strategy, combining speeches in the strict sense, advertising, television broadcasts, popular culture, sports, etc.".
The essayist concludes that "the subjects to which the analysis of speech can be applied cover the entire sphere of political communication. But, as it involves a much broader dimension than the analysis of the traditional political speech , the work has become much more complicated. Moreover, the multidimensionality of political communication makes its critical decomposition more arduous and its effectiveness on the poor people of the electorate immensely greater."
Raffaele Simone opened the XI International congress of General Linguistics that is being held at the University of Navarra from May 21 to 23 with the plenary discussion paper "Semantic Formats". The congress is organized jointly by the Institute for Culture and Society and the School of Philosophy y Letras. It will be attended by 400 people.