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New double Degree in Philology Hispanic and Journalism

With a duration of 5 years, it will come into force during the 2010-2011 academic year.

21/06/10 15:26
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The demand for this double Degree is understood by the relationship between Philology and Journalism, especially with regard to the transmission of reality through words. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The Schools of Philosophy and Letters and Communication have launched the double Degree in Philology Hispanic and Journalism, which will last 5 years and will begin to be taught during the 2010-2011 academic year.
This new offer has been configured thanks to the existing similarities between subjects taught in the two Degrees, as well as the use of credits of elective subjects comparable between both Schools.

The centers understand the demand for this double Degree because of the relationship between Philology and Journalism, especially with regard to the transmission of reality through words. In this sense, Professor Rosalía Baena, director of the department of language and Literature, emphasizes that "both degrees complement and require each other, since the Philology Hispanic implies very necessary knowledge for Journalism and for written communication in general". To which she adds that "the union comes in response to a real demand of professionals who have entered the labor market".

Through the deep study of language and the approach to literary texts, the student of the double degree program will obtain a mastery of oral and written expression along with a global vision of man, culture and history, elements that will give him a critical capacity, flexibility and creativity. All these Schools obtain a special relevance when it comes to develop them in the traditional media and digital media, which make up our current information society.

Interview on 98.3 Radio with Professor Rosalía Baena:


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