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The journal 'Ius Canonicum' publishes on its new issue three programs of study on marriage.

They were presented as papers at the symposium 'La training de la voluntad matrimonial: anomalías, patologías y normalidad', held in November 2012.

21/06/13 16:40 Isabel Solana
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Cover of the magazine.
PHOTO: Courtesy

Ius Canonicumthe journal of high school Martín de Azpilcueta (IMA) of the University of Navarra, publishes in its issue 105 three programs of study on marriage. These papers were presented as papers at the X International Symposium of the IMA, held in November 2012 in the School of Canon Law under the degree scroll 'La training de la voluntad matrimonial: anomalías, patologías y normalidad'.

These are 'La test de las anomalías graves en relación con la capacidad consensual: la pericia como medio de test en los supuestos del canon 1095', by Carlos Morán, Dean del Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica en España; 'Determinación de los límites de la incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio como incapacitas ex parte voluntati', by Honorary Professor Eloy Tejero; and 'La pericia super conference proceedings: difficulties, certainty and value goal', by José Tomás Martín de Agar, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome).

The 'programs of study' section is completed by three other articles: '"Quod omnes tangit, debet ab omnibus approbari". Note sull'origine e sull'utilizzazione del prinicipo tra medioevo e prima età moderna', by Orazio Condorelli (University of Catania programs of study ); 'La inmunidad de Jurisdicción de la Santa Sede frente a reclamaciones por abusos a menores en los Estados Unidos, by Nicolás Zambrana (School de Derecho de la Universidad de Navarra); 'La promozione della tolleranza religiosa e della non discriminazione come fattore fondamentale per assicurare la Tranquillitas Ordinis. A 50 anni da Pacem in terris', by Ombretta Fumagalli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart); and 'Il rapporto tra delitto e peccato nell'attualità del diritto canonico', by Massimo del Pozo (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross).

The volume is completed by a section with decisions of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and another with reviews on books considered of special interest and book reviews, as well as chronicles on legislation and jurisprudence of Canon Law and ecclesiastical law of the State.



