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University publishes guide of 65 AI experts

PhotoManuelCastells/A person enquiry the new guide of AI experts from his computer.

21 | 06 | 2024

The University has edited a guide that brings together 65 experts in artificial intelligence made up of researchers from different Schools, institutes, centers of research and related centers of the University. Each of them addresses the implication of AI in topics that concern their field and area from specialization. Medicine, industry, law and legislation, Economics and the business world, journalism and Education, and ethical and anthropological challenges are some of the issues addressed by the experts on this list.

The University has promoted this guide to publicize the research that it carries out in artificial intelligence, a topic of great social interest due to the impact it generates. The work of the researchers is essential to face new challenges, transfer the knowledge efficiently and know how to adapt to technological advances.

Download here the guide 



