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The X Telenatura Festival is inaugurated with a falconry exhibition at the University of Navarra.

The opening of this edition, in which 105 films from 21 countries have participated, will take place on the esplanade of Sciences Building Social

21/10/11 17:30
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Cover of the Telenatura website. PHOTO:

The Telenatura Festival, organized by the University of Navarra and the Pamplona Planetarium for the last ten years, opens next Monday, October 24, at 11.30 am, with a falconry exhibition on the esplanade of the Sciences Building Social of the academic center.

The show will be at position of the falconer Javier Castillo, who will recover this art that uses birds of prey trained for hunting. The opening ceremony will be attended by the dean of the School de Comunicación, Mónica Herrero, and the directors of Telenatura, Bienvenido León and Santiago Echeverría, who will be available to attend to the media.

The Telenatura Festival, which will be held at the Pamplona Planetarium from October 25 to 28, will include screenings of the documentaries Bosque entre dos mundos. Wild Connection, by the production company CINTV; Wild Japan. The wonders of abundant waters, by the Japanese production company NHK; and Wild Scandinavia. Norway, by the production company Nautilus Film.

After the screening of the films, each workshop will be followed by a colloquium with the participation of journalists, experts and producers of the documentaries screened. On October 28, at 7.30 p.m., the winning film will be screened at presentation and will receive the award Ciudad de Pamplona, and the rest of the award winners will be recognized. In addition to the aforementioned screenings, two workshops will be held on those days at training aimed at students and professionals interested in nature and environmental communication.

More than 1,000 films have participated in this international television program competition for conservation and nature knowledge dissemination throughout its 9 years of filming. In this last edition, 105 films from 21 countries have been received, of which 22 productions have been finalists result .



