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"Some 80% of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders are genetic in origin."

Pharmacological treatment should be combined with Education to parents and school support.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/01/09 11:41 Mª Pilar Huarte

Five percent of school-age children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, says César Soutullo, a psychiatrist at Clínica Universidad de Navarra . "It is a disorder of cerebral origin that affects the executive system, the area that is activated when attention is required, for example. It is not the product of a bad Education of the children, nor of the child himself, nor of haste. Nor is it a fad or a recent invention," said the expert at the framework of classroom de Salud, an initiative organized by Diario de Navarra at partnership with CIMA of the University of Navarra to disseminate topics of health interest.

"This alteration causes the child to have inappropriate levels of attention or hyperactivity for his or her age. Normally, the symptoms usually appear before the age of seven and cause significant difficulties in two or more areas: family, high school, etc.," he said.

40% risk when one of the parents has the disorder

As for the origin, between 70% and 80% of the cause is Genetics, according to the specialist from the University of Navarra. "When one of the parents has ADHD -he added- the risk of a child suffering from this disorder is 40%". However, other factors also play a role: problems during pregnancy and childbirth, smoking during pregnancy -which multiplies the risk threefold-, alcohol or low birth weight".

Dr. Soutullo pointed out that 80% of patients respond to treatment with medication (methylphenidate and atomoxetine): "It is safe and effective. It makes up for the deficit of neurotransmitters and encourages part of the brain to become active". However, he recommended combining it with Education to parents and school support. Along these lines, he advised against therapies such as herbs, special sugar-free diets, specific physical exercises, music therapy or psychoanalysis, whose efficacy has no scientific evidence.

Finally, César Soutullo stressed the risk of not treating this disorder, as it can lead to school failure, leave self-esteem, isolation, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety or depression. 



