Alejandra Luparelli, Ana Arroyo and Daniela Serrano, from high school Miravalles-El Redín, winners of the contest "Historia Play. History in 7 minutes" contest of the University of Navarra.
More than 120 students from 10 schools in Navarre participated in the competition, heir of the History Olympiad.

With "An interview to Simón Bolívar", Alejandra Luparelli Corbacho, Ana Arroyo Capdet and Daniela Serrano Caridad, students of 4th ESO of high school Miravalles-El Redín, have won the contest "History Play.History in7 minutes" contest, organized by the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra..
More than 120 students from 10 schools in Navarra have participated in this competition, successor of the History Olympiad. In its IV edition, they have had to reflect, in podcast format, on "Minorities throughout History"; peoples, groups or individuals who have lived in status of inferiority in their respective societies. The 53 proposals presented have revolved around such diverse topics as the Waorani, the Gypsy people, the Chinese Uyghurs, people suffering from mental illness, Jews or women, among others.
At the submission awards ceremony, held at the Museo Universidad de Navarra -sponsor of the contest along with bookshop TROA-, Candela Gago Vidaurre, from high school Nuestra Señora del Huerto (2nd award), and Irune Edesa Gil and Lucía Eraul Muerza, from I.E.S. Pablo Sarasate de Lodosa (3rd award), were also recognized. The event was attended by more than 60 finalists, accompanied by their teachers.
After the submission of prizes and diplomas, a raffle has been drawn for a visit to the archaeological site of Los Bañales (Uncastillo), in the framework of the "Archaeology Program'' organized by the Diploma in Archaeology of the University of Navarra. Lucía Gastón, from high school Santa Teresa and winner of the draw, will share the experience with students from all over the world and will have the opportunity to observe firsthand how the work fieldwork is carried out at this site, whose work is directed by Javier Andreu, Full Professor of Ancient History and director of Diploma. In addition, attendees were able to enjoy a guided visit to one of the exhibits currently on display at the University of Navarra Museum.
"History Play. History in 7 minutes" has as goal to put in contact students and teachers of Secondary Education of the Comunidad Foral with the historians of the University of Navarra, by means of the realization of a podcast of historical subject matter in a maximum of 7 minutes. The audio format aims to promote and show new ways of researching, narrating and disseminating history.