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ISSA celebrates its 50th anniversary with an International Symposium

The academic-professional meeting will take place this weekend in San Sebastian.

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Mª Jesús Álvarez, director of ISSA, during the 50th anniversary celebration last October. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/05/14 17:28

As part of the commemorative events of the 50th anniversary of ISSA, the School of Management attendance of the University of Navarra has organized an International Symposium under the title degree scroll "The next 50 years at business: challenge and growth staff in a globalized world", to be held in the city of San Sebastian on May 23rd and 24th.

About 100 people - professionals from business, professors and academics - will discuss issues of importance for the professional future at all levels and in all professional roles. Among the guest speakers will be Yih-teen Lee, professor of Personnel Management Service in Organizations at IESE, who believes that "in the 21st century, knowing how to work in multicultural environments is the core topic of professional success. He will be the keynote speaker at the opening plenary session of the symposium. Prof. Lee is a renowned specialist in cultural competencies, author of numerous publications on culture and how people fit into their environment.

This will be followed by a roundtable on "training and growth staff at work" with the participation of Esteban García Canal, Full Professor of Business Organization at the University of Oviedo; Manuel Guillén de Parra, professor of Business Organization at the University of Valencia; Estíbaliz Ortiz, professor of Personnel Management Service at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and Carolina Ugarte, professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Navarra.

The second day will feature parallel paper sessions that will mainly focus on the area of competencies, but there will also be papers dedicated to middle management, communication and marketing. Workshops have also been organized in which alumni will share their professional experiences. "ISSA has been training professionals for 50 years for business and through their professional careers we have perceived a change that has made us consider the need to study the role of the new assistant manager", says Leticia Bañares, ISSA professor and member of committee organizer of the symposium together with Ana Mª Fernández.

ISSA, from San Sebastian to Pamplona

This year academic year 2013-2014, ISSA began to offer the first course of the Degree in attendance Management-ManagementAssistance at campus in Pamplona. In successive years, the implementation of the four courses will be completed gradually. The decision responds to the desire to reinforce the project started in 2009 with the implementation of the official Degree after its adaptation to the new European Higher Education Area Education and whose first class graduated in June.



