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workshop the publication of the complete works of Joseph Ratzinger

It was held at the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.

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Carlos Granados, Mons. Giuseppe Scotti, Juan Chapa, Dean of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra, Christian Schaller and Pablo Banco. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/05/14 17:17 Fina Trèmols

With the degree scroll "Joseph Ratzinger, a theology around Vatican II", the School of Theology of the University of Navarra has wanted to remember the theological figure of the current Pope Emeritus, in an Academic workshop that took place on May 22.

Taking advantage of the publication of his complete works at Spanish (four of the eight volumes already published in German), the director of the Library Services de Autores Cristianos (BAC), Carlos Granados, has summarized the characteristics of this project publishing house . The complete works of Cardinal Ratzinger will comprise a total of 16 volumes, some of them double volumes. He emphasized how the theologian Ratzinger was always interested in the attention to the faith of the simple, one of the doctrinal challenges during his time as secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In Spain, the first volume he published was volume 11, which deals with the Liturgy.

Pablo Blancoprofessor of systematic theology and specialist in Ratzinger's thought, described the cardinal points of the Second Vatican Council, according to the writings of the German theologian: liturgy, word, Church, world.

For his part, Christian Schaller, award Ratzinger 2013 and director of the high school Benedict XVI of Regensburg (Germany), summarized the doctrine on the Church at Vatican II, while the president of the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation, Giuseppe Scotti, summarized the doctrine on the Church in Vatican II.Giuseppe Scotti, offered an approach to the main core topic of interpretation of Ratzingerian thought: Jesus Christ. 




