A research by Ignacio Ferrero, Alejo Sison and Gregorio Guitián, recognized by the Cambridge University Press publication, Business Ethics Quarterly.
The study has been recognized as the second best publication of 2016

A research on human dignity and the dignity of work by Ignacio Ferrero, Dean of the School of Economics; Alejo Sison, professor of Business Ethics of the School of Economics, and Gregorio Guitián, director of research of the School of Theology, has been distinguished with the second award Business Ethics Quarterly Best Article Award.
The award awarded by the scientific journal Business Ethics Quarterly, of the publishing house Cambridge University Press, recognizes the research Human Dignity and The Dignity of Work: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching as the second best article published in 2016 by the journal. The award will be presented at the upcoming Society for Business Ethics annuallecture in Atlanta in August.
The publication addresses the contribution of the Catholic Social teaching and the relationship it establishes between human dignity and the dignity of work. It also identifies the main characteristics of human dignity based on the notion of man as the image of God in the Catholic Social teaching . Ferrero, Sisón and Guitián analyze the dignity of work derived from two principles: the prevalence of duties over rights and the priority of the subjective dimension of work over the objective. In this way, they show how the right to work and the right of workers are subordinated to these principles, particularly in the context of globalization.
Ignacio Ferrero is Dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University, with award Extraordinary. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the European Business Ethics Network. He has been a visiting researcher at Harvard University, Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame, and the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. He is co-founder of group of research of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management at the University of Navarra.
Alejo José G. Sison teaches business ethics at School of Economics and Business Administration. He was accredited Full Professor in 2015. He is publisher of publications such as Journal of Business Ethics. He researches topics where ethics, Economics and politics overlap, from the perspective of virtues and the common good. "Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business" (Cambridge University Press, 2015) is one of his most recent works.
Gregorio Guitián is director of research of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Moral Theology. graduate in Business Administration and Management at the Autonomous University of Madrid, he holds a doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. His field of research is Social Morality, in particular, the moral aspects of Economics. He also teaches class on Questions of Economic Morality and Social Doctrine of the Church. He has spent time at research at the Catholic University of America and at the center of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, "Markets, Culture and Ethics". He has published articles in scientific journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Markets & Morality.