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Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez-González receives the award Admirable 2024 from Diario Médico.

The Full Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University of Navarra has been awarded in the category of research for its programs of study in per diem expenses Mediterranean

FotoCedida/submission of the Admirable Awards at research 2024: Rosario Serrano, Director of Business Expansion and Health area of Unidad publishing house; the award-winning scientists Carmen Ayuso, Head of Service of Genetics of the FDJ; Miguel Ángel Martínez González, Full Professor of Public Health at the University of Navarra, and Luis Álvarez-Vallina, Head of the Immunotherapy Unit of the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid; the CEO and Director of Unidad publishing house Laura Múgica and the director publishing house of area of Unidad publishing house Daniel Aparicio.

22 | 05 | 2024

Miguel Ángel Martínez-González , professor at the University of Navarra, has been awarded the award Admirable 2024 at research granted by Diario Médico. Mónica García, Minister of Health, presented him with submission of the award in a ceremony held at the Real Fábrica de Tapices on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of Diario Médico. "These Admirable Awards invite us to reflect on the magical elements of our healthcare, which makes us feel deeply proud. Behind the trappings there is the silent and vocational work of those who make up the National Health System," assured Minister García. "Professionals are neither heroes nor heroes, but workers who want to do their job well work. This effort deserves a tribute like today's, but also all our support and recognition on a daily basis".

This is, precisely, the fourth edition of the awards that were born after the pandemic, aimed at recognizing the daily work of 12 healthcare professionals in Spain in four categories: Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and research. On this occasion, the jury highlighted Dr. Martínez-González's contribution to the research on per diem expenses Mediterranean, "designing and directing large trials and cohorts that have changed medicine, such as the SUN, PREDIMED and PREDIMED-Plus projects, programs of study that have shed unprecedented light and scientific evidence from Spain with great worldwide impact".

 "I am very grateful to Diario Médico, to the promoters and to the jury for this important distinction, which I understand is not at all the award to any merit of mine," said Martínez-González. "It is a award to the work of so many excellent young researchers who have contributed to develop programs of study Spanish of enormous importance, as is the case of the more than 500 medical researchers, mostly alumni of the University of Navarra, who have joined the macro trial on alcohol and its effects that we have just begun."

Next challenge: the largest clinical essay on alcohol consumption

On the horizon researcher of the professor of the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra is the largest international clinical essay to date focused on alcohol consumption. This is essay UNATI, which will compare in 10,000 alcohol-drinking volunteers aged 50-75 years the long-term effects of different health advice on alcohol consumption. The project will not only assess with best evidence the effects of possible alternatives, but also the acceptability and actual compliance of each subject of committee.

To carry out this essay, financed by the European committee of research with 2.5 million euros, a network of professionals who apply preventive medicine in their usual clinical practice internship has been created. Thus, the group of research is made up of research physicians, mostly graduates of the University of Navarra, from different centers and cities in Spain. According to Martínez-González, "the design of this essay has aroused great interest because, in addition to answering very practical questions, it will apply new technologies and thus allow the burden of work for the research physicians to be minimized and not interfere with their clinical care of their patients".

More than 30 years dedicated to the research epidemiological

Dr. Martínez-González, distinguished in 2023 with the award Gregorio Marañón de Medicina, is an international reference in the field of epidemiology, public health and nutrition. Considered one of the leading experts in the Mediterranean per diem expenses , his research in this field has shown that the Mediterranean diet patron saint acts as an important protective factor against cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and depression.

With more than 1000 indexed scientific publications, he has coordinated the largest and most relevant worldwide essay on the Mediterranean per diem expenses : PREDIMED, he is also the founder and researcher main project SUN, epidemiological cohort with more than 23,000 participants.

At a pedagogical and informative level, the publication of his books "Salud a ciencia cierta" (Planeta, 2018) and "¿Qué come?"(Planeta, 2020) stand out. With both titles he brings closer and makes accessible to the general public knowledge based on scientific evidence related to the benefits of following a good dietary patron saint . She has recently published "Salmones, hormonas y pantallas" (Planeta, 2023), in which she addresses the enjoyment of authentic love, seen from a public health perspective.



