In the recent SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) 2019, the journal Ius Canonicum moves to Q1 in "Religious Studies" and "Law".

The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) for 2019 was released on June 10.
SCImago Journal Rank is a portal of assessment of journals based on the SJR indicator, obtained by analyzing the bibliographic citations contained in the database SCOPUS. Both the journal ranking and the SJR indicator are used to evaluate the scientific production of researchers in the processes of accreditation, sexenios, etc.
In SCImago Journal Rank, the journals of each discipline are ordered by decreasing SJR value. The list is then divided into four equal parts or quartiles (Q1-Q4), which become indicators of relative value, as they position each journal in relation to the other journals in its discipline.
In this way, each journal is evaluated according to two parameters: one absolute, the SJR, and the other relative, the quartile in which it is placed within its discipline.
The magazine Ius Canonicum is placed in the first quartile (Q1), both in "Religious Studies" and "Law".
In the area of "Religious Studies", Ius Canonicum is ranked ninth in the world and first among Spanish journals in this sector.
In the area of Law it is ranked 159th in the world and in Spain it ranks third place. The issue 1 is for the journal European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Contextpublished by the Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense, the association Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica and the high school Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and issue 2 for the Revista Española de Constitutional Law, published by the Centro de programs of study Políticos y Constitucionales.