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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (June 2015)

ICS researchers attended activities in Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and Austria.

22/07/15 08:58

Emotional culture and identity

Alejandro García presented the paper 'Emotions in sport activities: Some insights from figurational sociology' at the 12th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference (Dublin, Ireland, June 10-13).


Rocio Davis gave the lecture 'History and Graphic Emotions in GB Tran's Vietnamerica and Belle Yang's Forget Sorrow' at the department of programs of study Americans at Universität Wien (Vienna, Austria, June 17).


Pilar León was moderator of the roundtable 'Medicina y redes sociales. guide de estilo', held at the high school Oficial de Médicos de Navarra (Pamplona, June 10). She was also speaker and organizer of the Program training Continuada 2015 organized by the Government of La Rioja for the health professions (Logroño, June 17). She also offered two sessions on ethics in hospital institutions at the XXII Padis - Programa de Alta Direccão de Instituicões de Saúde, aimed at Members of the Administrative Councils, Service Directors, Heads of Service or equivalent, of Hospital Institutions in the public, private and social sectors (Lisbon, Portugal, June 24).

Javier Serrano presented the paper 'Gestionando la atención entre la esfera digital y la esfera presencial: sobre el uso de teléfonos móviles en los espacios públicos' at the VIII International Conference 'Communication and Reality', organized by the Universitat Ramón Llull (Barcelona, June 5-6). 

Public discourse

Manuel Casado gave an invited discussion paper on 'Argumentation in the media' and presented the project 'Public discourse' at the III Foro Internacional de la association Lingüística del speech of the University of Seville (Seville, June 1 and 2).


Inés Olza participated in the congress Europhras 2015 - Computerised and Corpus-based approaches to Phraseology, of which she is also a member of the committee Scientific Committee (Málaga, 29 June-1 July). Her paper was entitled 'Search and analysis of disagreement phraseology in a multimodal TV corpus' (co-authors: Laura Amigot, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and Elvira Manero, Universidad de Murcia).

Ruth Breeze made a exchange of academic staff on the framework of Erasmus at the School of Translators and Interpreters of Universität Heidelberg (Germany, June 22-26).


Ramón González participated as speaker in the session 'El hablante en el speech: desde la modality a la imagen social' at the III Foro Internacional de la association Lingüística del speech, held at the University of Seville (June 1 and 2).


Luis Galván took part in the congress 'Tradition and Interculturality IV', organized by the University of Zaragoza at residency program in Jaca, with a paper on 'The representation of the masses in the novel of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century' (June 16 and 17).


Miguel Ayerbe attended the III International Forum of the association Linguistic speech (Seville, June 1 and 2).



Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala and Cristina López del Burgo attended the 2015 NFP World Congress in Milan (Italy, June 11-14), where they presented a poster and five communications: 'Prevention and risk compensation. Are some public health responses to sexually transmitted infections fallin?', 'Project "Yourlife": Knowledge and opinions of European adolescents about affectivity, love and sexuality', 'Women's knowledge and attitudes towards mechanisms of action of birth control methods: a cross-sectional study in five European countries', 'Mediterranean diet and fertility. Findings from published studies' and 'Alcohol and fertility. Results from scientific studies'. In addition, Dr. De Irala collaborated in the workshop 'Ethics of Sexuality Education'.

Mind-Brain Group

José Ignacio Murillo gavethe discussion paper 'Is a scientific approach to the study of consciousness possible?' at the V Symposium of Ribadesella, 'The naturalization of man at discussion' (June 25).


Miguel García-Valdecasas and Nathaniel Barrett gave the lecture 'Teleology does not emerge from complexity' at the congress 'Toward a Science of Consciousness 2015' (Helsinki, Finland, June 13).


Javier Sánchez Cañizares gave a film forum on the movie 'The Theory of Everything' at the Alaiz Club (Pamplona, June 12).



The group Mente-cerebro held its annual intensive meeting in La Rioja (Alcanadre, June 19-21).

Natural law and rationality internship

Mariano Crespo presented the discussion paper 'The Key of the First Phenomenological Schism: A Misunderstanding of the Husserlian Account on Ideal Objects' at the congress 'The Great Phenomenological Schism: Reactions to Husserl's Transcendental Idealism', organized by The North American Society for Early Phenomenology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico DF, June 3-6).

Navarra Center for International Development

Alex Armand made a visit of research to department of Economics of University College London together with Dr. Valerie Lechene (London, June 22-27). He also participated in the workshop 'Applied Microeconometrics' at the University of Alicante (June 30).

ATLANTES Programme

Carlos Centeno attended meetings with the Grünenthal Foundation and the group SECPAL of Education Médica (Madrid, June 16).



María Arantzamendi was a member of the final examining board of Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing (Madrid, June 23).



Religion and Civil Society

Angela Miceli participated in the VI Meeting for Ethics and Political Philosophy, organized by the Political Theory Group of the Center for Ethics and Humanism at the University of Minho (CEHUM) (Braga, Portugal, June 8-9). He presented the discussion paper 'The Thomistic Contribution to the Idea of Freedom of Conscience'. 

David Thunder presented the paper 'The Practice of Humanities Scholarship and Its Institutional Embodiment' at the Public Humanities Meeting of the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto (Canada, June 9-10).


Daniel Moulin attended the congress Independent Social Research Foundation (Edinburgh, UK, June 1-2).



Javier Gil gave the lecture 'The Islamic State: Jihad against Modernity' (San Sebastian, June 12).



