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Alfredo Martinez, Full Professor of Nutrition, award DuPont of Science 2011

The award, endowed with 30,000 euros, recognizes his scientific contributions to the prevention and treatment of obesity.

22/11/11 11:59
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Alfredo Martinez PHOTO: Manuel Castells

University of Navarra professor Alfredo Martínez, Full Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology, director of the Master's Degree University in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism and professor of the School of Pharmacy, is the winner of the 2011 DuPont Scienceaward , dedicated this year to Nutrition and Health.

The award was created in 1991 under the auspices of Professor Severo Ochoa with the aim of stimulating initiatives that, in the form of articles or published works, constitute an important contribution to the advancement of science and its applications. In this sense, the jury of the award awarded the award to Professor Alfredo Martínez "for his scientific contributions, both basic and applied, on the mechanisms involved in the regulation of weight and excessive accumulation of fat in the human organism, as well as on the implementation of strategies aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity".

Likewise, regarding the scope of work of the award winner, the president of the jury, Santiago Grisolía, clarified that "the secret of healthy longevity is linked to three factors: Genetics, nutrition and friendship. With Alfredo Martínez's financial aid the second of these has been greatly enriched".

21 award winners in 20 years of history
The ceremony submission of award, which is endowed with 30,000 euros, will take place at the beginning of the year in Oviedo.

Throughout the twenty previous calls, Spanish scientists José Joaquín Barluenga (1991), Andrés Maldonado (1992), Manuel Elices Calafat (1993), Francisco José Balta (1994), Avelino Corma Canos (1995), Pedro de Miguel Etxenike (1996), Moisés Morán Horrillo (1997), Carlos López-Otín (1998), Albert Grañena Batista (1999), Juan Modolell (2000), Carlos Martínez Alonso (2001), María Carmo Fonseca (2002), Manuel García Velarde (2003), Sergio Moreno (2004 Jaime), Manuel García Velarde (2003), Sergio Moreno (2004), Albert Grañena Batista (1999), Juan Modolell (2000), Carlos Martínez Alonso (2001), María Carmo Fonseca (2002), Manuel García Velarde (2003), Sergio Moreno (2004) Jaume Veciana Miró (2005), Angel Rubio Secades (2006), Nazario Martín León (2007), Antonio Hernando Grande (2008), Rosa María Menéndez López (2009) and Luis Líz Marzán (2010).



