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Antonio López will give at the University the IX Painting Workshop Masters of Figuration

The activity will take place from March 9 to 13 at the new Museum of the academic center.

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Antonio López at School of Architecture last year. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
22/12/14 12:26 Chus Cantalapiedra

The University of Navarra will hold the IX Painting Workshop Masters of Figuration from March 9 to 13. It will be given by Antonio López, award Prince of Asturias of the Arts 1985 and award Prince of Viana of Culture 2012, and Juan José Aquerreta, award Prince of Viana of Culture 2003. The activity, organized by the Service of Cultural Activities Office, will take place in the new Museum of the academic center.

Those interested in participating must register before January 30, 2015. Antonio López and Juan José Aquerreta will make the selection of the 30 workshop participants, and the list of those admitted will be communicated on February 16.

The students of the workshop will work for five days on the genres of the figurative tradition, such as still life, the human figure with natural models and landscapes, and will have the opportunity to share technical advice and individual and personal explanations with the artists.

History of the workshop

In 2006, the University of Navarra's Cultural Activities Office Service promoted the Maestros de la Figuración Painting Workshop, under the direction of School of Architecture professorInmaculada Jiménez. The goal was to create a high-level oil painting workshop at the University of Navarra. From the beginning, two great figurative artists have participated in the workshop: Antonio López and Juan José Aquerreta.

According to Inmaculada Jiménez, it is "a quality proposal , unique and attractive in itself, which has also managed to create a tradition and encompass a whole series of parallel activities".



